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Interesting facts about students

Students: The word “student” (“studio”) in the usual sense for us was first used by the Roman poet Ovid when he…

Why do we have nightmares?

Why do we have nightmares? The reasons for this discomfort is enough: starting with stress and ending with medication. Late bedtimes Should…

Interesting facts about education

Choice of education is very important if not one of the major steps in life that you want to make consciously and carefully. To get a quality…

10 amazing facts about sound

The sound is the first thing facing the person appearing on the light. And the last thing he hears, leaving the world. And between the first…

Interesting facts about DNA

Humanity exists because of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule with high molecular weight, carrying genetic plan for the formation and…

8 reasons why sweating is useful

Sweating: some people do everything not to sweat. Even when they train, they do not lay out completely, so as not to sweat a lot. But…

15 fun facts about electricity

Electricity today is an integral part of society. While most people in developed countries are concerned about how to save money on…