Thursday, September 19, 2024

Daily makeup: beauty rules for everyone


Skin care and makeup is the favorite “game” of many girls. We have prepared basic rules that will help improve your daily beauty routine.

Each beauty product and procedure has its own technique of use and application. Their effectiveness depends on it. There are separate beauty-rules for a specific skin type.

We collected the most versatile! Find a rule that you break?

1. Moisturized skin

The skin must be hydrated. Many girls with oily or combination skin type skip this step. It is in vain because the nourishing cream is an excellent base for the tonal framework or powder. Apply a little texture, and remove the residue with a paper towel. Any imbalance of the skin will cause excessive dryness and peeling.

Hydrated skin

2. Do not use too much texture

Do not use too much texture of your products: cream, serum or fluid. This does not affect the effectiveness of the products. Take a little cream on your fingertips, heat it up and apply along the massage lines. Not enough? Repeat these manipulations again.

3. Cream formulas should be applied to the foundation

An important point to know. All textures need to be combined correctly. For example, a cream highlighter will be better “kept” on a liquid basis (foundation), and a dry or with a wet effect – on powder. By the way, we recently told you how to mix liquid and dry textures for makeup.

Cream formulas should be applied on cream Foundation

4. Do not apply foundation under the eyes

This is a beauty rule that many people neglect. The area under the eyes is very gentle and delicate, therefore it requires the necessary care and makeup. To disguise dark circles or other imperfections – use concealer or corrector. They have a completely different formula that will not damage your skin.

5. Funds with shimmer emit disadvantages

Highlighter adds a gentle glow and “highlights” the necessary areas, but there are also nuances. For example, a sparkling pigment may highlight some of the flaws or fine lines. In this case, it is necessary to give preference to the liquid window.

6. Base under the shadow makes the pigment brighter.

The base under the shade is a beauty find for daily and evening make-up. Such a cosmetic product will prevent texture rolling and make the pigment more saturated.

Shadow makes the pigment is brighter

7. The shade of blush in the tone of lipstick

Choose colors that will blend harmoniously with each other. If you choose red lipstick, blush can be a bronze (shades of brown, but not red) shades. Could not choose? Use highlighter or bronzer.

8. Texture Shading

All textures should be as natural as possible, so do not forget to feather borders and transitions.

Feather textures

9. Makeup Fixation

This item is particularly relevant in the summertime. It may not be a fixing spray, but thermal water or matting wipes. They will refresh the makeup and remove the shine!

Found your favorite beauty rule? Please comment.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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