The spine as the core of health: comprehensive care from A to Z


The spine as the core of health: When we talk about health, we always mention the same organs – the heart, brain and muscular system. And although no one denies that they should be taken care of, one large and very important part of our body often remains outside the conversation – our spine.

The spine is the main supporting structure of your body. Together, these 33 bones and 7 vertebrae hold you upright and connect different parts of the skeleton with each other. So why does the health of the spine often stand aside? Take time this week to not only focus on the health of the spine but, more importantly, improve it.

Here are some more arguments confirming the dominant role of the spine in our state of health:

  • The spine is, quite literally, our skeleton, the core, the Central part of the skeleton and that it accounts for daily stress.
  • The spine is the life center, through which, intertwined, our nerves, vessels, muscles.
  • And finally, according to the philosophical traditions of the East, the spine is considered the center of energy and vital forces of the person, but because in it one can see the origins of health and, therefore, looking for the root cause of almost all diseases.

Every “disorder” in the spine can lead to thousands of diseases in the body, and to “disorder” bring not so many factors:

  • Unnatural curves.
  • Deformations of the vertebrae and connective elements.
  • Stagnation (poor circulation) in the field of attachment of muscles, the tangle of nerves and blood vessels.

Aggravating circumstances of modernity

Aggravating Circumstances Of Modernity

It must be admitted that the modern way of life acts on the spine as aggravating circumstances and, against their background, the risk of acquiring problems only increases. Excessive comfort, crazy rhythm, regular overload and sedentary lifestyle – the enemies of health in general and the spine in the first place. Add to this the typical bad habits of megalopolis residents: the lack of culture to monitor their posture and gait, weight lifting, unhealthy diet, inattention to their health – this is a complete set of reasons leading to spinal disorders. And after that, the well-known “bunch” of ailments already manifests itself: headaches, pressure surges, nervous exhaustion, and so on.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to be healthy – start with caring for your spine.

Medications the spine will not help

In the case of the spine, the thought is more relevant than ever: medication will not help. Is that to a minor extent, as ancillary measures. It will require complex care, mainly physical and every second. Moreover, you will have to develop many good habits and bring them to automatism, so that you no longer think about it, and your body itself existed in a regime favorable for the spine. And, of course, will have to reorient their usual way of life. And now let’s see in more detail.

No weights

One would like to appeal: “Women, never forget that you are Women!”. Even if you are temporarily alone. Never! Do not turn yourself into a draft horse, do not persuade yourself: “Yes, I quickly!” or “Is it really heavy?” Once you lift something unbearable, most likely, nothing terrible will happen, but no one knows what could be the last straw for the spine and how long it will come back to you.

Posture, Madame!


Previously, the nobility existed a useful tradition – instill since childhood how to properly maintain posture, move, walk, at what pace. If you want to be healthy, you need to revive the useful traditions of your ancestors.

The basis of correct posture is the image of our spine: a vertical rod, on which all muscles, limbs and internal organs are strung. It completes this image with just a few strokes: the chin is at a right angle, the gaze is just above the eye line, the shoulders are straightened, the chest is slightly raised, the abdomen and buttocks are pulled up to the spine, and the head is like a ball on a needle, which, with correct posture.

Hydration and a balanced diet play an important role

Drinking plenty of water is good for general health. In terms of spinal health, hydration means that there is enough fluid in the joints, as well as the elasticity of the soft tissues.

In addition, choose healthy foods rich in calcium. A balanced diet that includes the right amount and variety of nutrients helps reduce back problems as you feed your bones, discs, muscles, and other parts of the spine.

Postures with all the amenities

It is very important to learn how to control your posture in any position when we are standing, sitting or lying down. Oddly enough, but many postures that seem comfortable to us are extremely harmful to the spine. And the whole thing – in the habit. Accustom yourself to the right posture, and very soon, those that used to be comfortable for you will seem completely uncomfortable.

Under what conditions we will ensure the correct posture:

  • Lying rigid bed the elastic mattress, small pillow.
  • Seat — hard seat, which should be shorter than the thighs, and its height must equal the height of the lower leg.
  • Sit so that your back is against the back of the chair.
  • Forget about the semi-seated position, especially not to read lying down, it is harmful not only for vision but also for the spine, to read and to watch TV — only browsing.
  • Not to put a foot on the leg.
  • Do not flop on a chair and lowered easily and gently, as a lady of high society.

Wellness pauses

Relaxation Pause

For the spine, an 8-hour working day at the computer is categorically harmful. But since, alas, this cannot be avoided in our time, health rests are salvation. Force yourself to change poses all the time, now and then to stretch, straighten your shoulders so that your muscles do not numb, use any excuse to get up and walk once again. Feel free to do gymnastics at least once a day.


Walking and jogging is a wonderful remedy for spinal recovery, because these types of therapy provide an even and full load on absolutely all muscle groups, perfectly train blood vessels, develop joints and simultaneously relax the nervous system. And, of course, it is important that walking and running add alternative kinds of loads to the spine, thereby balancing our predominantly sedentary life.

Footwear not only affects your feet

If you have ever spent the day walking in bad shoes, you know how it can affect your legs. But do you know that shoes can affect the back and spine? Good shoes – this is the foundation, which helps to align the spine correctly, and after it the whole body. If you are looking for a new shoe, choose one that fits snugly (but does not squeeze), has good arch support and protects your ankle.

Don’t ignore massage

The more all kinds of massages you manage to organize for yourself, the better. The very first thing – the simplest acupuncture without departing from the workplace. Massage daily the neck and shoulder area, lumbar and wrist areas – the most vulnerable areas during a sedentary lifestyle. Second, sign up for preventive manual therapy sessions. A similar preventive massage effect will bring you swimming, where you will get a hydromassage. And if you understand that the problems with the spine are running, then be sure to go through a course of therapeutic massage.

Fitness support

Fitness Support

At least twice a week, do special exercises for the spine. Just do not overdo it with the load and duration at first, so as not to discourage the pursuit of classes. Here the principle is important: less is better, but regularly.

A set of exercises can be, for example, like this:

Warming up Heat your hands where you reach all the muscles of the back and the places of their attachment to the spine. Then take a tennis ball and roll it back against the wall.

  • “Wagtail”.This exercise is literally designed to shake the vertebrae, muscles, joints. Bouncing slightly, shake your torso as if you want to string your vertebrae one upon another along a string.
  • Inside the balloon. Stretch your arms right forward, left back, and begin a circular rotation, like you’re hands are moving along the inner side of the ball, which are.
  • Twisting. Make twists to the side his whole body, then separate upper shoulder and lower lumbar divisions and then rotate the upper torso in one direction and lower in another.
  • Bending-bending. This group of exercises are the well-known “bridge”, “kitty”, “swing-boat”. The point is to bend the spine in all directions, in all possible ways.
  • Hanging on outstretched arms or bent legs on the bar, her belly, spreading through the timber, or lying on a special ball. On the ball can be hanging and lying supine. So all the vertebrae under the weight of your own body will be able to self-tune, taking the natural the right location.

Start taking care of your spine today, do not wait for tomorrow. In addition to the obvious health benefits, you are expected to have pleasant accompanying results: loss of excess weight, slim figure and revival of femininity lost in our crazy time.

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