tips for guys
How to meet a girl and where to meet
The absolute majority of men had to wonder how to meet a girl. After all, despite the apparent triviality, this problem continues to torment...
Questions to ask a girl: 325 examples
Dating is a key element in developing a relationship between a man and a woman, and the easiest way to learn more about a...
What kind of guys do girls like: 16 types
When the question arises, which guys do girls like, often you can come to the conclusion that each woman has individual preferences.Some of them...
Friendzone: what is it, how to get out of friendzone
Friendzone (friendship zone) is a situation where a guy (girl), being on friendly terms with a girl (guy) in reality has stronger romantic feelings...
How to find a girl: 5 Amazing steps
Find a girl: It is rare to meet a man who would forever connect his fate with the first girl he liked. Most often,...
Pickup, pickups: what is it
Pickup is the art of seduction; the type of human activity, as well as the name of the social movement (usually male), which aims...
How to communicate with a girl: 14 Amazing tips
Men who know how to communicate with a girl do it easily and smoothly as if they were born with the skills to speak...
How to approach a girl: phrases and ways
Hello, dear women lover! Since you admit that I am turning to you, it means that you certainly want to know how to approach...