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How to prevent graying of hair?

Graying hair: After 25 years, regeneration processes in our body slow down. Thus, the first wrinkles appear. How does this affect our hair?…
Hair Loss

How to stop hair loss: TOP 7 Tips

Hair loss is one of the problems that worry many girls. How to cope? All the secrets are in the article! The causes of hair loss are many.…

How stress affects the skin?

We live in multitasking mode when we do not have time to rest and eat properly. It all accumulates and affects our emotional health. So stress…
Aloe Vera

How to use aloe vera for face?

Aloe vera is often called agave. This incredibly useful plant (which is found in most beneficial skin care products) can survive in almost any…

How to get rid of dandruff?

Dandruff on the hair – a rather unpleasant, but not a terrible cosmetic problem, which can help get rid of the right hair care and…