Dating sites: expectations and reality

Dating Sites

After hearing the stories of girlfriends about how fun it is to find your soul mate on dating sites, I decided to follow their advice and register. My choice fell on a dating site from the internet and that is Meeturgent. Having quickly gone through all the procedural nuances, I proceeded to fill out the questionnaire and placing photos. It took another couple of minutes and now the first letter flashes in my profile.

The main activity fell in the first few days, then the questionnaire began to shift downward in the search results, and less and less potential candidates looked at me at the light. First impressions after such an experience were rather contradictory, but I was able to identify a number of patterns.


Men on dating sites are divided into several types:

1. Offended by life

More often than not, a man honestly writes in his profile that I’m on the site n-th number of years and have almost lost hope of finding my beloved, but still … And then comes a lot of requirements for the future second half: beautiful, well-groomed, sweet, pleasant in communication, smart, with a sense of humor, not impudent … You get tired of reading. The photo is usually the average man, not handsome, just dressed.

I avoided such a category since the men of this plan are quite aggressive in communication, they do not hide their offense against the entire female and make unrealistically high criteria for a woman.

2. Sultan

A huge number of photos from different angles, on yachts, near cars, in the Amazon jungle, or near the Egyptian pyramids. These men are usually quite honest in their intentions and often write openly in the questionnaire about the focus on light and numerous relationships. Their criteria for choosing a partner are also quite high – a clever, beautiful, clever woman and a magician.

Among these men found a lot of interesting and courteous, but expect to pay them in monogamy there is almost no chance. At least I wouldn’t waste your time on them and focus.

3. The last romantic

In the questionnaire placed many of his own poems (though not the fact). Such men communicate very gallantly, and covered with compliments, almost immediately declare their love and promise to sing serenades under the window till the old age. Smart, well-read, but then the conversation usually does not reach. To take decisive action, they never move, making it pretty tiring the lady of his heart rhetoric.

4. Mummy Orly

These are men from 30 years and older who have failed to escape from under her mother’s wing. Their profile is very modest, describing a minimum, one or two photos at a bad angle. Typically, the expression shy, in correspondence, they are boring and formulaic. Keenly feeling the inability to approach the woman and get her interested. Although some of them are very smart and interesting guys, for entry into an unequal struggle with their “mother” a woman needs remarkable strength, cunning, agility, and assertiveness.

5. A regular guy

The questionnaire begins with these words: “I am an ordinary guy.” A couple of photos, often in the company of friends over a barbecue and drinking alcoholic beverages. Good guys, very hard-working. Many of the visitors from other cities and try to get ahead in life through honest labor. I managed to make friends with one of them, we still keep in touch.

6. Man

In his profile can be just one picture or photo cannot be even. In the column “what I’m looking for” that one line – your soul mate. The minimum information and she kept to the parameters of height, weight, the color of eyes, and hair. In correspondence, they are honest and concise. Almost immediately invited to a meeting in a cafe and are very delicate.

If a girl doesn’t like it, she finds out at the end of the meeting, when the continuation specifies the request to give the phone number. These men usually busy with work from morning to evening and use Dating sites as a way to find a companion, maybe not life, but at some foreseeable period of time.


So, is there a chance to meet the right guy?

I would say 50/50. The first marriage of one of my friends happened not just because of the Dating site. What do you need to do to make these chances higher?

1. Bright profile

A lot depends on your application, how it is bright, interesting, attractive, what picture you set as the main. More specific gravity are questionnaires, written bright, lively, with a sense of humor. Because men love with their eyes, they hold a few good photos from different angles and from different segments of life. But it is desirable that the photos were “fresh”, without photoshop, or when meeting a man can accuse you of cheating his expectations.

2. What you want

Another important aspect is the choice of the direction of search: a serious relationship, just meeting or communication, marriage, and the creation of a family. According to these parameters is sifting questionnaires which do not fit you.

3. Communication

Literacy and humor will get you. And the advantageous ability to show their strengths and hide weaknesses. About much tell you the message men. From the first phrases, you can determine the main points – courtesy, respect for women, and the focus of interest, seriousness, presence or absence of a sense of humor, the speed of response.


About the first meeting, much has been written, but still let me remind you again. It should be in a public place, preferably in the daytime in a cafe or on any other neutral territory to you in the event of unforeseen circumstances could leave quickly.

Brazen, cheeky, and disrespectful behavior men another very important deterrent factor. If he behaves at the first meeting, it only gets worse.

Another factor is unmotivated men focused on you or on other people at the time of your meeting. It’s not a very good signal.

Try after the first date and come to trust all your impressions paper. Usually, the first impression is the best impression. The voice of intuition is still working in full force and tells whether this man your attention or not.

A wonderful phrase from the book of Antoine de Saint-Exupery perfectly complements my last thought “one sees clearly only with the heart, the most important is invisible to the eye”.

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