The secrets of using olive oil

Olive Oil

Secrets of using olive oil: Olive oil contains beneficial ingredients for the skin and body. Analyze all the pros and cons?

Olive oil is enriched with many beneficial ingredients, so it is widely used in cosmetics for skin and hair. It contains vitamins, oleic acid (included in the group of fatty acids), trace elements and antioxidants.

Beauty-medium with olive oil suitable for all skin types, especially prone to dryness and flaking.

Properties of olive oil

Olive oil not only affects the body but also on the condition of your skin. We analyze the main properties:

  •  Nourishes, moisturizes and prevents skin dryness.
  •  Improves elasticity and speeds up the update process.
  •  Prolongs youth (antioxidants directed against free radicals which can destroy cells).
  •  Normalizes the sebaceous glands.
  •  Restores hair structure.
  •  Eliminates dandruff.
  •  Enhances hair growth.

Properties Of Olive Oil

What olive oil to choose?

Always pay attention to the date of manufacture of the product. It is best to buy olive oil from the first pressing. It will contain a large number of valuable components.

Olive oil for the skin around the eyes

Olive oil contains vitamins and antioxidants to nourish and accelerate the regeneration of the skin under the eyes. Take a few drops to a cotton ball (wet) swab. Leave on for 15 minutes. Remnants of the “beat” with the fingertips.

Olive Oil For The Skin Around The Eyes

Face mask with olive oil

Olive oil is a fantastic base for face masks. One of the simple recipe: take 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp oil. Mix and apply to 7-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Another option is ideal to soften the skin. You will need a banana or avocado. Chop the fruit and add 1 tsp oil. Apply the mixture for 10-15 minutes.

Face Mask With Olive Oil

Scrub your skin with olive oil

Exfoliation of dead skin cells is an important stage of purification. It is only then the skin will be able to get a maximum of valuable substances from your cosmetics. Prepare a homemade scrub is quite simple. Take a spoon of crushed oats and add olive oil. Apply and massage lightly. Rinse, and then use favorite care!

Scrub Your Skin With Olive Oil

The restoration of nails

We love to experiment with the design of the manicure. From time to time the nail plate needs to “rest and recover”. This will help the healing baths. Pour into a bowl some olive oil and add a few drops of vitamin A and E. to Repeat such procedures every day for weeks.

Hair mask with olive oil

We picked up a couple of interesting and simple recipes of masks for hair that you can follow! First: use warmed olive oil on the root length (you should not put a texture on the roots). Keep for 30-40 minutes. Don’t forget that things like the “warming” effect. Only then all the components can penetrate inside the hair structure.

Hair Mask With Olive Oil

The second recipe will add the hair Shine and brightness. Take two tablespoons of honey and one of olive oil. Heat in a water bath and apply to the root length. Keep at least 40 minutes. Rinse thoroughly!

Do you use olive oil for the beauty of your skin? Please comment.

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