Terrible things that you always do while taking care of yourself

Terrible Things

Each of us spends a lot of time and money on something, to look good, but often all the efforts are in vain because of the terrible things and misconceptions about self-care. Check yourself on our list!

1. Too often you wash your makeup brushes

Makeup Brushes

The fact that you bought a wonderful set of makeup brushes is still half the battle, now you need to learn how to take care of them. A dirty brush is a real hotbed of bacteria, which will later become the cause of acne. How often do they need to be washed? Makeup artists advise washing the brush for a foundation after each use, and for powder and blush – 1-2 times a week. Not too difficult, right? By the way, to buy a special gel is not necessary: shampoo or even soap with this task, too, will perfectly cope.

2. Constantly experimenting with cosmetics

We believe, that you adore make-up and is ready to buy  all these jars.” But here’s a surprise: a frequent change of basic waste funds can lead to problems with the skin, cause allergies and rashes. If you find a cream, which suits you, stay faithful to him. Contrary to common misconception, the skin is not accustomed to cosmetic products, so it is better to use the usual and high-quality creams, rather than “jump” from one to another.

3. Wrong choice of foundation

Another surprise: a foundation needs to be chosen not only by the color of the skin but also by its type. And this is very important! It’s simple: dry skin is not the suitable foundation for oily, and vice versa. How do you know, if anything like that is not written on the label? Read reviews and consult when buying, the only way to avoid this mistake in skin care!

4. Touching your face with your hands

The only time, when you can touch without consequences his face in his hands – when you are at home and they thoroughly washed before it. In transport, on the street, at work, try not to touch the skin and get rid of the bad habit of propping your face with your palm! From this pimple are, yeah.

5. Combing wet hair

Combing Wet Hair

First, comb wet hair, and then are surprised, that the tips so mercilessly flogged? Very in vain! This is a common mistake in hair care. To once again not to injure your hair, first carefully soak them with a towel ( just do not rub them!), Then walk a little with a hairdryer – only after that you can take up the comb and proceed with the styling.

6. Too often you use scrubs

We agree, that the cleansing – the basis of beautiful skin, but enough already to rub his face scrub! And do not do this every day, there will be no use, you will only violate the natural pH and immunity of the skin. If the scrub is 1-2 times a week, and enough from you.

7. You do not use face tonic

Some unscrupulous female editions put tonic for the face in the number of  unnecessary beauty products”, but he undeservedly falls into these lists over and over again. In fact, you need a tonic, and how! During washing, you somehow violate the natural pH-balance of the skin, and the tonic just restores it and gives additional moisturizing.

8. Do not use the night cream

 Let the skin rest, breathe, today I will do without a night cream” – you think, and with a calm soul, you go to bed. In fact, the night cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin, accelerates the recovery processes. And yes, the latter are most active at night. So rest for the skin – it’s not a dream without a cream, but just the opposite.

9. Often powder your face

Powder Your Face

The worst, what you can do with your skin – to powder her several times a day with the appearance of oily shine. And it’s not even, like, this layer of powder then looks, but in fact, that the pores are still clogged! How can that be, to avoid mistakes facials? Always first dab the face with a matting napkin, and if there is still a need for powder, then use it.

10. Trying to  dry” the oily skin

Another mistake in skin care: you have oily skin, prone to shine, and therefore you are constantly rubbing it with alcohol lotions, salicylic alcohol and other miracle means. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite: the only way to get the skin to produce less sebum is to start it actively cajole”!

It is oils that can dry the skin, it is tested in practice. It’s just that your skin will  think” that it already has enough fat, and will start working less actively. Before going to bed, put on a person and a generous layer of oil – you can under the night cream, you can as an independent product.

11. Forget about the skin of the neck and décolletage

When you apply moisturizing cream, for sure forget about the neck and décolleté zone? And if while it does not affect your beauty in any way, then after some time it will be the neck of the first surrender” the true age. So remember the holy rule: the cream is applied to the face, neck and décolleté.

12. tweeze eyebrows before, how to do make-up

Any makeup artist will tell you, that the correction of eyebrows and make-up – the two procedures, which are not made in one day. If you decided to correct the shape of the eyebrows with tweezers, then do this in the evening, after washing. Thus, you will reduce the risk of getting bacteria, and around the eyebrows, there will be no irritation, which then will have to be masked by the concealer.

13. You wash off cosmetics only gel for washing


Huge mistake – use the gel to remove make-up and think, if this is enough. Or at best – complete washing with micellar water. As a result, cosmetics still remain on the skin, pores are clogged, black dots appear! The modern way to effectively cleanse the skin and remove makeup consists of three steps: first remove the cosmetics with hydrophilic oil, then wash with a soft foam, and at the very end wipe the skin with a tonic. If it is too difficult, then there is another way – a special balm for washing on an oil base.

14. You put perfume on hair

If you have luxurious hair, not prone to dryness, then you can not read further – sprinkle on them with perfume, as long as you want. But, alas, most girls have hair ends that are dry, and the use of perfume, which almost always contains alcohol, only aggravates this situation. So, if the favorite aroma – then the skin.

15. Rarely you change a pillowcase


The last habit, which harms your beauty – a rare replacement pillowcase. Changing bed linen once a week, as a rule, it is quite enough, but better to wash the pillowcase every other day – this option is not for the lazy! It’s all about the notorious bacteria: you rub your face and hair with a pillowcase, it is most susceptible to contamination, and the delicate skin of the face will not then forgive! Also will respond. Pimples.

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