Friday, October 25, 2024

10 most affectionate and kind cat breeds


Kind Cat: Most people associate cats with an independent animal that will not constantly sit next to its owner. A cat, unlike a dog, is an independent and wayward animal. And it is not so badly in need of communication with a person. But some breeds can’t stand being alone and are ready to hang around the owner every minute. By nature, such breeds are somewhat similar to dogs.

If you think that cats are selfish creatures who love only themselves, then this is far from true. Some breeds are very affectionate and kind. They can not stay alone for long, because they begin to miss the owner and feel sad. Especially good if there are children in the house, such breeds of cats will constantly play with them.

These are the 10 most affectionate and kind cat breeds

1. Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are the largest cats of all breeds. Maine Coons prefer to keep their distance from strangers. Cats of this breed are very intelligent. They can learn to open the door themselves, and they can even be trained to use the toilet. Animals are very curious and can sit for a long time near the window, looking at what is happening on the street.

These are calm, easy-going cats. Pets are very affectionate and quickly become attached to a person. They get along quickly with children and other pets. Aggression is shown only in the most extreme cases if they feel danger. In general, they are affectionate and kind pets.

2. Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian Cat

Abyssinian cats truly possess royal grandeur. By nature, Abyssinians are more like dogs than typical representatives of cats. Even adult animals are very mobile and can not sit still. In addition, they, like dogs, are very fond of swimming. Cats are very attached to a person and hard to bear parting. The animal is ready to follow the owner for days on end. Abyssinians are very affectionate and kind cats. They are very sensitive and immediately respond to changes in the mood of the owner.

3. Savannah Cat

Savannah Cat

Another cat breed that resembles cheetahs in color is the Savannah. The Savannah is one of the biggest cats in the world. Cats can jump up to 3 meters in height. In addition, like the Bengals, savannah also loves to swim. Savannah is very active and in a small apartment, the animal will be cramped. Therefore, you will have to walk with your pet like with a dog.

But despite its size, savannah is a very calm and affectionate cat concerning the household. Another feature of this breed is the love of children. Children can squeeze and constantly play with the cat, it is only a joy for this cat.

4. Bengal Cat

Bengal Cat

Bengal cats are small cheetahs or leopards. Cats of this breed are considered one of the most beautiful because of the color of the coat. Bengals are very active animals. They will not sit still. They need to constantly climb and run somewhere. Of all the breeds, Bengal cats are the fastest learners. A light and balanced character make them excellent pets.

Unlike most breeds, Bengal cats do not distinguish pets in the family and love all the household members equally. Another feature of this breed is they love water. Bengal cats are very fond of swimming.

5. Singapura Cat

Singapura Cat

At home in Singapore, cats of this breed are called small lions. Cats at first glance conquer with their huge green eyes. But not only for its pleasant appearance, but this breed is also loved by cat owners all over the world. Singapore cats have a calm and easy-going nature. And pets are very affectionate.

They quickly get along with other cats or dogs. The animal responds to the owner’s love in return, destroying small rodents. Singapore cats are very curious. They need to constantly climb somewhere and get into all the cabinets in the house.

6. Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthair

One of the most unusual breeds of cats is the Exotic Shorthair. The breed was first bred in America by crossing the Persian cat and the American Shorthair. The character of Exotic Shorthair is easy-going and calm. They do not show aggression and get along with everyone in the household even with other animals.

Cats are peaceful, quick to learn, and highly intelligent. Exotics are very playful and curious. In addition, they are very affectionate cats. But despite their easy-going nature and cute face, exotics are real hunters. They love to hunt small rodents and birds.

7. Burmese Cat

Burmese Cat

The birthplace of this cat breed is Myanmar. Previously, Burmese cats were considered sacred animals and lived at temples. Burmese cats are active and like to play a lot. But with age, like most cats, they prefer to sleep more or just lie down. Because of their calm nature, Burmese cats quickly get along with other animals and children. Unlike their counterparts, they do not hide from strangers and are always very friendly.

These affectionate and kind cats will become real friends. They prefer not to create conflicts with other animals. Only loud noise can frighten a cat. In this case, the animal will prefer to hide and wait until the house becomes quiet.

8. Ragdoll


The name of the Ragdoll breed means “rag doll”. If you know the characteristics of cats of this breed, you can understand why this name is used. The fact is that they can relax the muscles so much that they really become like soft toys. Cats of this breed have a calm, easy-going nature.

If you want a cat that will always sit with you, then you should pay attention to ragdolls. The cat’s favorite spot is on the owner’s lap. Ragdolls are one of the most affectionate breeds of cats. If this cat is left alone for a long time, it begins to mope. Even a short separation from the owner is very difficult for this cat.

9. British Longhair Cat

British Longhair Cat

Kittens of British long-haired cats are very active. Kittens run and play a lot. With age, the animal becomes calmer. It becomes difficult to bring them to emotions. And if the cat is offended, then it hides somewhere and does not appear for a long time. British longhair cats quickly find a common language with children and other pets.

They also adapt quickly to a new location. The British longhair cat does not like excessive affection but prefers to always sit near the owner. This breed is suitable for people who have small children in the house. Cats enjoy playing with children.

10. Persian cat

Persian Cat

Persian cats are one of the most peaceful breeds. Persian cats are characterized by a calm and balanced character. Persian cats are real stay-at-home cats. They prefer to spend as much time as possible with the owner, comfortably sitting on their laps. Persian cats are very attached to all family members. Adult cats are characterized by a phlegmatic character. Kittens, on the contrary, are very active and energetic.

Persian cats practically do not meow. If they need something from the owner, the animals prefer to follow them everywhere and look at their face for a long time. Persian cats never show aggression. And if they don’t like someone, the cats just try to stay away from that person.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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