Flu season: five foods for strong immune system


Foods for strong immune system: The winter-spring period brings us not only a languid expectation of heat and sun but, unfortunately, many diseases. Avitaminosis, cold, slush and low levels of the hormone of happiness – a sure way to catch the last. To avoid this, it is time to strengthen the immune system.

“If you want to be healthy, eat garlic,” the grandfather constantly tells me. He adds it to all dishes, and sometimes he eats it just like that. And the results really are – he is sick every 10 times less than me. No, I will not advise you to eat a clove or two of garlic on an empty stomach before work, but it’s still worth paying attention to what you eat and adding benefits to your diet.

If your daily menu has few natural products rich in vitamins and microelements, weak immunity and general lethargy are provided. But do not worry, everything can be fixed – and we will now tell you how. Just add to the diet these 5 products (besides garlic) and let colds bypass you!


Foods for immunity

Almond is a real storehouse of vitamin E, and during cold, we need it as much as C. Fights against violations of your digestive tract and reduces stress.

In what form to use: in cheese as a healthy snack, adding to salad or to natural yogurt, oatmeal.

Foods for immunity: Kiwi

Kiwi contains an explosive dose of vitamin C, as well as super useful for women folic acid. The latter, by the way, in addition to supporting immunity gives you beautiful skin without rashes.

In what form to use: adding to green smoothies and as a healthy fruit snack an hour before the main meal or two hours after.

Foods for immunity: Ginger

Iber has a superpower – to remove a sore throat. Ginger also fights any inflammatory processes in the body and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

In what form to use: you can add to spicy soups, salads with chicken and, of course, tea (finely grated and in combination with a slice of lemon).

Foods For Immunity

Foods for immunity: Broccoli

Broccoli, in addition to vitamins, replenishes the body with antioxidants and fiber. One of the most useful green vegetables, which contains such iodine necessary for thyroid work and removes excess water and toxins.

In what form to use: it is better to expose it to the minimum processing. But if you still cook – then steamed or baking in foil. You can also add it to your green smoothie.

Foods for immunity: Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds – a source of phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins B6, E, D and F. They contain healthy fats that are simply necessary for female beauty and health. Maintain the work of the heart and help get rid of acne.

In what form to use: with this product it is important not to overdo it (so as not to exceed your dose of fat and calories). So try not to use them in its pure form, and add a little bit in salads.

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