The best ways to renew the relationship


A long-term relationship between a man and a woman in the majority of cases sooner or later lose its former romanticism. However, marriage is not falling apart because communication continues to be comfortable for both, at the same time, acquiring the traits of habit. Especially sharply on these changes respond man: in a “perfect” day, he suddenly realizes that his love for his wife is no longer as strong as before. The woman feels as a partner. Many such state of Affairs does not suit and then they think about how you can refresh the senses and return to the relationship brightness and happiness? We offer the best ways to renew the relationship.


Why a happy relationship weaken?

The representative of the stronger physical relationship, marriage or romantic Union with a woman, not just because of the void experienced feelings for her. There are reasons for that.

First, what attracted a gentleman in the companion of life, is gradually losing its relevance. If it is the freshness of youth age inevitably brings about changes in the appearance of any woman. If the special personal and human qualities — they might be insincere, and now the lady periodically shows its true face, especially during major fights.

If you want to upgrade your relationship with a loved one – you should always have a well-groomed and cheerful in everyday life, under the weight of life’s problems, even the most bright and cheerful beauty is very difficult to always be in a good mood and be in good shape. And these changes in the partner the most negative impact on the strength of feelings of love for her men.

Second, the Union of two souls involves constant contact between a man and a woman. Under these conditions, not every lady are able to always put their own interests above the needs of the partner. Of course, the man is such a turn don’t like, love and feelings to his woman because he regards the announced behavior as selfishness.

The ways to renew the relationship with your loved

It is obvious that in order to refresh the relationship and to revive the heart of the partner, feeling the old forces will have to make an effort. And we should start with the implementation of positive change in yourself.

  • Take care of yourself, follow your own appearance. Of course, aging is inevitable, but its onset can be delayed. Besides, serious attitude to appearance will allow you to look attractive at any age.
  • In order to update the feelings of men, not only in clean, adorable clothes. No more old t-shirts, pants and even more holey socks! You should look feminine and tidy, otherwise, not that the love of a man to himself does not stress, but also the respect lose it.
  • Do not humiliate the partner, do not complain about his mom, girlfriend, don’t blame and don’t “saw” it, whatever happens. Even to think ill of him forget, because as the closest person will certainly feel the unspoken bad attitude.
  • If you want to shake things up, learn to go with your partner to compromise, but it does give him. But at the same time never humiliated in front of a man, because of women with no self-esteem, do not like men.


  • Make your relationship a romantic touch. Take the initiative: arrange a candlelit dinner, invite a loved one to the theater for the premiere of the play or put before the fact of a joint weekend in the resort, which he really likes. Show your partner how much you love him and he is necessary, though not immediately, will answer you in return.
  • Always find time for my man. Learn to be flexible — not worth it, like a robot, try to strictly follow a predetermined schedule. Upon returning partner from work talk to him about his day, ask about his health, and do not rush urgently to finish my Ironing linen, or wash the dishes. It will help the man feel that you appreciate him and love.
  • To refresh the relationship with a partner, listen to him, consider his point of view. Do not rush to reject the proposals of men, made in favor of solving a particular problem. If you always just do as decided and think for yourself, you run the risk of even lose his love.

How to update feelings in a pair

  • Make compliments. The longer people live together the less they say something nice to each other. To the fore of domestic concerns, and to draw attention to the advantages of a partner especially once, and you see it, mostly cons. However, such a seemingly small thing, like a compliment, can provide a powerful impetus to the renewal of the senses in this Union. Emphasize the advantages of your man, praise him often and will get back the same, and in the eyes of the beloved when you look at you will have been extinguished Shine.
  • Amaze your partner. Become an interesting woman that I want to get to know; a woman concealing many mysteries, the solving of which is not a pity to spend life. Be like a fascinating book, from reading which it is impossible to put down and to which you want to return again and again. How exactly do you achieve such a change in his own person — it is personal and individualized, but quite feasible. Turn on your imagination and listen to your intuition!
  • If you want to shake things up from time to time, privacy and give themselves the opportunity to your loved one, especially if you have never done before. Long-term living together, people sooner or later get tired from constant contact and feelings fade away. Therefore, periodically, each of them needs to be alone, in time to miss the fellowship and close partner to look at him, as they say, with fresh eyes. This will certainly help your mutual love inflame with new force.
  • Pause in intimate relationships. Free the partner from the obligation to perform marital duty, especially if you feel that he doesn’t refuse you just because he did not want to offend. The fact that physical relationship without desire gives rise to negative emotions that accumulate, can and does result in rejection. And the reason for this reluctance and reduce the forces of attraction may be the usual lack of sleep. Therefore pay attention to the arrangement of places for your joint dream: buy a comfortable pillow, bed linen, designed in calm and soothing shades, think of a good soundproofing of the bedrooms, possibly the acquisition of more dense curtains on the Windows. Make the room cozy. Proper rest will cause fading, had, feelings to erupt.


  • Communicate care. Don’t wait when your partner will do it to you, and take the initiative in their hands. Cook him his coffee in the morning, bring Breakfast in bed; make a message when he complains of a back pain. Care and affection are sure to arouse your man the same emotions, the need to surround you with its warmth.
  • The same effect, in order to renew relations, will be successfully given by a demonstration in front of a loved one of their own helplessness and weakness. Do not reject his help when he offers, do not try to solve everything yourself – consult with a partner. Do not resist patronage by your loved one. Seeing you as a little girl who needs the care of a strong man will refresh the feelings of a loved one towards you, and yours as well.
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