Phrases for Online Dating. Part 6

Online Dating

When communicating in the process of online dating, I recommend using auxiliary phrases contained in a text file that should be viewed using a text editor (Word, Notepad) in order to copy and paste certain expressions if necessary (you can install the corresponding plug-in in the browser).

Important! The proposed online dating system is based on the concept of selection. I am broadcasting about how to introduce a lot of * Ex in your life. If you want to seduce a particular girl on a dating site (which is often a futile task), you are not at the right place. Online dating itself as an option for a serious relationship causes me a lot of doubts. However, everything is possible, and for someone, this is a great way.

My approach was not to seduce, persuade, try to force to do what the girl initially does not want to do. I selected women, i.e. I deliberately did a lot of things so that the pompous young ladies, or those who did not really like my image, would go into oblivion without wasting time on them.

Other strangers, whose minds and hearts were immediately interested in my photos and profile, feeling my communication without a shadow of fawning, penetrated me even more, and already I turned into booty if the telephone conversation turned out to be pleasant for both of us.

One of the spearheads under the name “selection” was completely banal first phrases, which in fact did not carry any semantic load, but were used for Malomsky decency. They were all just an eyeliner for the phrase “What is your phone number?” Let’s call each other.”

So, everything that precedes “What is your phone number?” Let’s call you. ”, Can be almost any words, ie you can write any of your own adequate workpieces, and I’m not joking.

A considerable number of visitors will certainly not be understood or believed, but this is their own choice. However, remember the main rule: write to a large number of girls.

List of phrases for online dating

  • Hi, how are you?
  • Hello, how are you?
  • Why can’t I sleep? Bored?
  • What do you do, how are your weekends?
  • What are you doing, how was your weekend?
  • What are you doing, what are your plans for today?
  • What are you doing, what are your plans for the weekend?
  • What do you do, how do weekdays go?
  • How is your weekend?
  • How are weekdays going?
  • What do you do in life: study, work?
  • What do you do in life? What area do you work in?
  • What do you usually do in your free time?
  • I like to invite guests and go to visit.
  • It has long been registered on the site?
  • What are your impressions of communication?
  • Has anyone met in real life?
  • What is your mobile number? Let’s call each other.
  • If you want to.
  • What are your plans for today?
  • Let’s meet.
  • I’m just visiting a friend, let’s keep a company with my friend.
  • A friend should come to me, take a friend, come to visit.

As a rule, these phrases are enough to get a phone number. It often happens that I don’t type anything on the keyboard, but simply copy and paste the text.

Important! If your profile contains nondescript photographs, the girl’s interest will be similar. In contrast, the invigorating female fantasy pictures will make the girl become your attentive interlocutor almost regardless of what you write to her. Therefore, learn to serve yourself by creating with the help of photos an image of an interesting guy whose life is in full swing. Words are secondary.

In the next article, read more about the conditions for meeting a girl online.

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Correspondence with a girl, examples. Part 5

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Dating a girl online. Part 7

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