Dating with girls: 12 Amazing tips

Dating With Girls

Dating with girls: before you start dating, We thought out some tips.

Here are the 12 tips to dating with girls

  1. You don’t need a specific cool girl, you just need a cool girl, and there are many of them.Don’t get hung up on one beauty and rush to put a crown on her head. Each pretty girl has a certain number of deer that are spinning nearby, so there is no need to drive yourself into a stall. Be a drover, not a deer.
  2. 99.9999% of girls love sex no less than men.Stop believing that they are divine creatures that, by pure chance, hit the earth. They are no better than men and have the same physiological needs.
  3. Values in you are no less than in girls. And for yourself, you are generally the most important person in life.

    Girls are often overestimated, and guys are underestimated. You are a pioneer, you are an innovator, you are a creator of history, you are the goal and meaning of a woman’s life, but not vice versa, if you are of course a man with a core inside.

  4. Improve your self-esteem.

    When you have everything in order with self-esteem, you are purposeful and self-confident, then you will not have problems with women. Read books, get an education, play sports, enroll in a martial arts section, open a business, constantly improve and invest in yourself, and you can become a magnet that will attract the right people, including girls. It is impossible to hide the light when it comes from within.

  5. When you have everything in order with self-esteem, you let out signals for others.

    People feel your inner strength, capturing the signals that come from you into the world around you. Girls receiving such signals will look at you, smiling romantically, straightening their hair, turning away and looking at you again.

  6. If a girl says “NO”, do not force her. There is always another who is waiting for you to offer you something.

    Your task is to offer acquaintance and, if you wish, to develop and continue it, pushing the girl towards your goal, but not pulling her hand, using force. If you understand that “NO” is final and categorical, this is not yours, but her problem. Smile and go get to know another. Everything is very simple, even saying “Bye” is not necessary.

  7. Never, you hear, never worry about the failures of the girls.

    The more failures, the greater the result, any entrepreneur will tell you about it. If no one refuses you, then you will not get to know anyone.

  8. There are no riddles in girls; they are more formulaic than men.
  9. To get to know a girl, work through simple working phrases designed for the first contact when you meet.

    Also, say them so many times so that you can play them without hesitation when you suddenly see a beautiful girl: “Hello. I saw you, I decided to come up and talk. What’s your name?”

  10. Lack of internal dialogue when dating with girls.

    Don’t dwell on what to say when you meet you, it’s more important how you will do it, calmly and with a smile on your face. You just come up and start saying some memorized phrases or that the first will come to mind, and then everything will develop on its own. Women love with their ears, but foreigners who speak an unfamiliar language, they love no less.

  11. Until the relationship with the girl has not moved into an intimate channel, do not consider her yours and do not think that she owes you something.

    When you meet a girl, your task is to find out if she is suitable for you, and whether you are suitable for her, and also what is in her mind in principle. Don’t make yourself dependent on your goal, just play, enjoy life and have fun.

  12. Never start dating a girl if you have a complaint about her appearance, character or other qualities.

Thus, to dating with girls, be worthy, prepare yourself, don’t be dumb, don’t worry, choose, but do not become a choice.

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