Matcha tea: superfood that cleans and slows skin aging

Matcha Tea

Matcha tea – green tea in powder form, which is drunk, used in cooking and added to cosmetics. What for? All the secrets of the component – already in the material!

The trend for superfoods is gaining momentum. One of these is green tea matcha. It contains vitamins, caffeine and a large amount of antioxidants and polyphenols, which positively affect the beauty of our skin and cleanse the body.

You can make a healthy drink at home or choose an interesting beauty tool with a match of tea. We have prepared two simple recipes for you. Worth trying!

Tea Matcha

Useful properties of matcha tea

Matcha tea is enriched with vitamins and other trace elements. Therefore, it has so many advantages:

  • Improves concentration, puts energy (like caffeine).
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Cleanses the body and skin (detoxifies and tones).
  • Relieves and calms inflammation.
  • Rejuvenates (due to a large number of antioxidants).
  • Increases the protective function and prevents photoaging.
  • Improves the immune system.

How to prepare matcha tea

Prepare a healthy drink quite easily. Take the floor of a small spoon of powder and dilute with hot water (not boiling water). Beat the mixture until foaming with a whisk. That’s all!

How To Prepare Matcha Tea

How to make match latte

Prepare a matcha latte as easy as tea. For the first time – do not take too much match of tea. Stop at 2-3 grams. Mix the hot water with the green powder (as in the last recipe), then beat the milk until thick and add to the drink. At will, you can throw two ice cubes. Perfect for a hot day!

One cup of matcha tea replaces one cup of coffee!

Cosmetics with match tea

You should not experiment with homemade recipes for face masks or other cosmetics, because in its pure form, this powder is quite concentrated. It can, therefore, cause an allergic reaction. Pay attention to the ready-made beauty products that produce brands!

Joko Blend Matcha facetox mask

Joko Blend Matcha Facetox Mask

Mask based on Japanese tea match performs several functions. It cleanses the skin, removes toxins, improves elasticity and evens out the tone of the face. In addition to this component, the tool contains clay and aloe vera extract.

Garnier SkinActive

Garnier Skin Active

Ideal for oily and combination skin types. The mask refreshes, mattes, tightens pores and cleans.

Milk Makeup Tonic-Stick with Tea

Tonic-Stick With Matcha Milk Makeup

Brand Milk Makeup has released an interesting line of products with matcha tea. It includes: cleansing stick, tonic and mask. The formula of the product removes toxins, tones the skin and reduces inflammation.

Have you tried tea match? Please comment down your answer.

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