Is it possible to make a mask every day: multimasking


A face mask is a universal remedy for any occasion. Girls love to experiment with this tool so much that they do such procedures every day. Is it correct? It’s time to figure it out.

Multimasking is the ideal technology for those who love skin care. At the same time, you can apply three or four completely different products. After all, our skin has its own individual characteristics. For example, someone becomes fat in the T-zone, while others – flakes on the cheeks.

It is important to choose the product that will “work” at 100% and effectively cope with all the tasks.

Where to start and how to apply?

Any cosmetic procedure should start with cleansing. Active ingredients can penetrate and act much more efficiently. Apply the mask after a tonic or spray (floral, thermal water). There is a lot of application technique. One of the most popular is multimasking. Examine your skin and divide it into parts: the drier ones should be moisturized, the problematic ones should be cleaned, and some – exfoliated.


The second option is much easier. Use one mask, and then immediately the second. Only one thing is important – to arrange the order correctly. First cleansing, and then shine or nourishment. Choose a convenient scheme for you and use a couple of times a week.


Note that the skin on the cheeks is more thin and tender. She almost immediately responds to any cosmetics. Use a moisturizing and nourishing mask. T-zone requires deep cleansing. With the area around the eyes all the more difficult. In order not to damage it, you need to choose the right components or not to apply anything at all.

Garnier Skinactive

Can I make masks every day?

Masks are a fairly active treatment that can oversaturate the skin on a daily basis. In fact, nothing terrible will happen, but the expected effect will not happen either. It is best to apply them no more than four times a week, but all individually. If you like a clay base, then try not to overdo it, so as not to cause dryness and redness.

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