How to get rid of dandruff?


Dandruff on the hair – a rather unpleasant, but not a terrible cosmetic problem, which can help get rid of the right hair care and proper nutrition.

Dandruff is already a kind of horror story, which is often recalled by intrusive advertising on the Internet and TV. It seems to us a kind of terrible stigma due to which the dandruff owner at the meeting will be deposited in the farthest corner near the urn with paper.

First of all, it is important to understand what dandruff is. Dandruff is the cells of dry scalp, which, due to disruption of the sebaceous glands, are not washed off with water, but peeled off. Dandruff can appear for several reasons: dry scalp, fungal diseases or skin diseases. So, the last 2 reasons require medical intervention, but popular recipes and cosmetics will help to cope with dry scalp.

We have collected for you the best folk recipes and cosmetics that will help get rid of dandruff.

Olive oil

Olive oil is an invaluable product that helps in solving many cosmetic problems. It also helps to get rid of dandruff. Olive oil allows you to moisturize the scalp, “glue” the husks and get rid of the problem of the dry epidermis.

Olive Oil

Rub olive oil into the scalp and cover the head with a paper bag so as not to stain the bed. In the morning, wash with shampoo. Should help.

Lemon juice

In addition to the problem of the dry epidermis, dandruff may appear due to the violation of the acid balance of the scalp. Lemon will restore the acid balance and get rid of the shells. Coconut oil can be used with lemon juice to help moisturize the skin and disinfect it.

Lemon Juice

Mix citric acid and coconut oil in a ratio of 1 to 5. Apply to the scalp and hold for 30 minutes. Wash with water and rinse hair with shampoo.


Ginger also helps in the fight against dandruff. It has anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates hair growth. Ginger accelerates blood circulation, which helps to improve the natural nutrition of the hair bulb.


Squeeze pure grated ginger root and squeeze the juice out of it with cheesecloth. Add 100 ml of sesame oil to the juice and mix. Apply to the scalp and hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with shampoo.

Selection means

Using specialized anti-dandruff cosmetic products is more important than playing popular recipes. However, remember that if neither popular recipes nor hair shampoos help to get rid of dandruff, the problem is medical.

Selection Means

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