How to do makeup during cold?


Makeup: In our time, the normal hospital became a luxury. Because a huge number of cases and meetings for the modern woman, in most cases, do not give her the opportunity to lie down for a few days in bed. Today we will tell you how not to look sick with makeup.

Red nose, bloodshot eyes, flaky skin – all this is not the impression of a successful beautiful woman. Of course, when cold it is very desirable to stay in bed, drink warm tea and take medicine. But if the public duty pulls you to work or other important matters, remember a few rules of “suffering” makeup.

Less is more

Black arrows or dark Smokey will not distract from your cold. On the contrary, they will be ugly to accentuate the redness of the sore eyes, and can still be smeared with tears and sneezing. High in the cold, is waterproof mascara and light correction-century matte light brown shadow.


Discard Foundation

Instead, use makeup base with reflective particles and concealer under the eye. For colds with runny nose skin around the nose and lips are peeling, and any Foundation it will emphasize. Glow makeup base a bit will improve the complexion and hide the signs of fatigue, and concealer will mask dark circles under the eyes.

Use on lips light texture

During the disease should not further injure the lips long-lasting matte lipsticks. They will dry the delicate skin and emphasize the wrinkles and flaking. Choose a light moisturizing balm with the effect of Tinta in a bright pink or coral colors. By the way, this balm can be replaced and normal powder blush. Apply it on your fingertips and blend on the cheeks. The creamy texture creates the effect of a healthy, slightly damp skin.

Do not get sick, take your vitamins and be beautiful!

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