Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Stretch marks on the body: causes and why shouldn’t you be shy?


Stretch marks on the body: Such an unpleasant phenomenon as stretching is familiar to many women. They most often appear during pregnancy, but can also occur in adolescents. What can be done to keep the body beautiful?

Stretch marks on the body (or in other words — stretch marks). They occur when the skin breaks. First, the color of red stretch marks, but then they turn white. The typical place of appearance of stretch marks — Breasts and hips.

The structure of the skin as stretch marks

The surface layer of the skin called the epidermis. Below that is the dermis. Under the dermis is subcutaneous fat. The skin does not always cope with the amount of damage. And then there is a scar composed of connective tissue. Connective tissue has no sensation, like the skin.

The structure of the skin as stretch marks

Causes of stretch marks on the body

If you want the skin to always remain beautiful and smooth, avoid:

  • Sharp surges weight — don’t debilitate yourself with diets, even weight falls smoothly;
  •  Improper diet — lack of protein can cause changes in connective tissue: the skin becomes thin and tears like tissue paper;
  •  Consumption of insufficient amounts of fluid — dermis from lack of moisture loses its elasticity;
  •  Unwarranted taking hormones.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

Striae need to be prevented in adolescence when there is a sharp jump of height and weight. If they appear, then get rid of them is impossible, you can only a little to smooth out the scar.

Contact the beauty salon. It will make you a chemical peel. It causes a controlled burn of the skin, accelerating tissue regeneration. Also, the beautician can offer masks with algae. They increase the elasticity of the skin.

According to Yulia Scherbatova, dermatologist and chief doctor “Clinic of modern cosmetology Yulia Scherbatova”, scars cannot be made into normal skin. You can try the new method — mesotherapy. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen. If you are too sensitive to pain, ask the beautician to use local anesthesia.

You can use the laser. It resurfaces the skin, it becomes flat and smooth, the color of the striae merge with the rest of the surface of the skin. The laser will destroy the top layer of the skin, so sometime it will be red. After the procedure can not sunbathe.

How to get rid of stretch marks

A good method in the fight against stretch marks — fractional thermolysis. The procedure is a thermal effect on the epidermis, some cells this die, and new ones formed faster.

To help in the fight against striae can PRP — the procedure in which an under the skin type of your own blood plasma. A PRP session takes about 15 minutes. To achieve the effect takes about 5 sessions. The procedure is safe and painless, but during pregnancy is contraindicated.

From very pleasant procedures can be recommended wraps with coffee and chocolate. It is very important before beginning any procedure to efficiently clean the skin to easily active components into its deeper layers.

We offer you to try home care. Vitamins and antioxidants nourish the skin and align it. Creams good camouflage stretch marks in conjunction with treatments in the beauty salon. Once a week do a home exfoliation with scrubs. So you will improve cellular metabolism.

Folk remedies for stretch marks

Good help stretch marks essential oils:

  • Almond;
  •  Rosemary.

They are very easy to find in any pharmacy. Using essential oils to deal with new and emerging striae, but long ago appeared the stretch marks — go to the beautician. Try the product with aloe. Mix ½ Cup of aloe juice and olive oil, 5 drops vitamin A 10 drops of vitamin E. it is Necessary that the oil was warm, so before applying, a little bit of their heat. Apply two times a day. Blot with tissue residues. Scrub with a mummy. Mix 1 tbsp warm water and dissolve 1 g of the mummy, then add 80 g baby oil.

Folk remedy for stretch marks

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks do not hurt but can cause the feeling of shame. During pregnancy is changing the hormonal background. Hormones affect the elasticity of the skin. Don’t forget to moisturize the skin, thereby increasing its extensibility. Note creams with hyaluronic acid, olive oil and grape seed oil.

The likelihood of stretch marks increases if during pregnancy you dramatically gain 15-20 lbs. So watch your weight. Your gynecologist will tell you how to eat properly. Do not forget about the role of genetics: the individual structure of the skin is inherited. This is nothing you cannot do. If you have dry skin — the probability of stretch marks — above. Age also matters: in late pregnancy stretch marks occur more often.

During pregnancy hormones will slow down the production of collagen. It is natural, therefore you can influence the course of events only qualitative (but not excessive) nutrition with lots of protein. Meat is necessary, therefore, at the time of pregnancy for vegetarians, it is advisable to review their food. Another note is for the benefit of the massage will increase the blood flow. Wear a bandage to support the abdomen.

By the doctor, you can take vitamins a, C and E. But don’t give anything of themselves, hypervitaminosis as undesirable as a deficiency. Recommend swimming and a special yoga for pregnant women. Moderate exercise help to maintain skin elasticity.

Stretch marks occur in 75% of pregnant women. Moreover, more than half of men have stretch marks! Basically, the strong half of humanity, they appear with endocrine disorders and the fight against obesity. If the stretch marks are not particularly noticeable, the best way out is to stop their stitching. They carry no danger. You will still love, with stretch marks or without. And even more so, do not give up because of the fear of the appearance of stretch marks from breastfeeding. Just wear special underwear after delivery.

Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy

Exercises to stretch

We recommend you to download the press every day for 10-15 minutes if stretch marks appeared on my stomach. Another exercise: lift legs one at a time from a prone position as high as you can. For each leg repeat the exercise 10 times. High benefits of exercise “scissors” and “Bicycle”, “birch”.

When stretching is a sign of disease?

Stretch marks appear when the hyperadrenocorticism. It is an endocrine disorder in which cortisol is produced in excessive amounts. Normally, this hormone has an immunomodulatory and anti-stress effect. But sometimes tumors in the adrenal glands can lead to this explosion in the body. Might even require surgery to remove the adrenal tumor. What you should pay attention to? If you after ingestion of corticosteroids was to be deposited fat on abdomen and thighs, increased weight, and there were banners, contact your doctor. Extremely rare tumours of the endocrine glands may be congenital.

Stretch marks can be a sign of abnormal production of sex hormones. Normalization deals with the gynecologist. It is because of the incorrect ratio of estrogen, progesterone and high testosterone stretch marks can occur in adolescent girls. Be sure to follow the as thyroid. Tests every 1-1.5 years, as well as ultrasound enough to be confident in her health.

When stretching is a sign of disease

General recommendations for the prevention and control of striae

What can you advise finally:

  1. Ensure the care of the skin, lead an active lifestyle, and then there is the chance that stretch marks will never occur. In all, it is important to observe moderation, and your body will thank you. Do not forget that excess of physical activity in the same way harmful to the skin and insufficient load.
  2. Note on the food: the menu must be present not only meat but also fish. Daily is recommended to eat oats. Winter can be replaced with summer stone fruit berries pear and dried apricots, prunes. Even in the winter, don’t deprive yourself of greens and fruits, mushrooms, seaweed, grapes and carrots. Make summer salads of peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.
  3. Refrain from fast food, pastries, fried meat and potatoes, soft drinks.
  4. Instead of black tea, drink herbal: Linden, chamomile, mint, green tea.
  5. Love nuts, especially almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts.
  6. Train yourself to morning contrast shower and massage with towels.

Because stretch marks do not need to be complex, just make them a feasible fight. The choice of method depends on the duration of stretch marks and your financial capabilities. White stretch marks can be removed with a laser in the clinic. For fresh stretch marks suitable folk remedies: some masks and creams you can make at home yourself.

General recommendations for the prevention and fight against streami

Surgery for stretch marks: it is difficult, risky, only if there is direct evidence

Abdominoplasty is an extreme measure. This invasive surgery to repair the anterior abdominal wall, performed by a plastic surgeon. And she may need a very small percentage of women, for example, after multiple pregnancies. It is extremely important if you have decided on this measure to choose the right clinic and specialist.

The doctor will only make it if there are other indications:

  • The divergence of direct muscles of the stomach;
  •  Visible scarring after surgery;
  •  Excess subcutaneous fat.

The operation lasts 1-4 hours. Only used General anesthesia. The scar after the operation is over the pubis, and with proper professionalism of the surgeon is not evident.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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