How to realize a dream? 5 tips


It does not matter whether a person is successful or not, everyone dreams. We dream a lot, often for a long time. We differ only in the fact that someone fulfills his dreams, and someone does not.

Moreover, most people are afraid of their dreams, sometimes we run away from them, scaredly looking back. We simply do not believe that what we want to possess can become a part of our life.

What is the obstacle to achieving your dream? Why are we afraid that we will not succeed?

The first thing you need to understand: YOU have a reason in your life. This is never a government, not your bosses, not close or unfamiliar people from your environment, it all depends on you. This is a very important point.

It is also worth realizing the following: we have EVERYTHING that we want. If you think that you deserve more than you have, then this is not enough.

This can be described as an example. Imagine that you wanted to cope with a natural need, but not too much. Why not tolerate, you think. And now suppose that you were impatiently very specific. You don’t care what is happening around, who and what thinks about you, how people look at you, whether there are any barriers, and if they exist, the brain immediately finds a solution to the problems that arise, as if you are breaking time and space, focusing on one goal.

A drug addict behaves in a similar way, to whom access to a new dose was blocked (forgive the readers for such comparisons). Such a person will be able to step over anything, do everything possible and impossible to get what he wants.

To fulfill a dream, you need to get the necessary skills, and also not to shift the focus from your goal. You have to be obsessed with your dream, you just have to be sausage from the realization that here it is your goal, and you move towards it like an interceptor-plane, which included the afterburner.

How to realize a dream?

1. Decide for yourself what you really want.

What makes your body and mind shudder, and no matter how big it may seem. In fact, this is the most difficult and sometimes it takes years to finally draw the right conclusions. But do not think that it is very difficult. The sooner you start your search, the sooner understanding will come.

2. Use visualization on the reverse

Imagine that you have achieved your dream. Look at yourself, who are you? So ask yourself the question: “What have I become on the way to my goal?” What have you received as a result of fulfilling your dream? Where and who are you surrounded by? How do you feel about it?

3. Transform your dream into a goal

Write your dream on a piece of paper with a specific date for its achievement. Believe me, this is very important. A dream will remain a phrase paired with the word “unrealizable” until you reflect it on a piece of paper: in a notebook, diary, notebook, it does not matter, be sure to do it. The brain will not begin to think in the right direction without the first mechanical action.

4. Make a plan to achieve your goal

Describe ways to achieve the goal, and complement and expand them over time. The better all the above steps are detailed, the closer your dream becomes to your consciousness, the easier it will be to convince your brain that this is possible.

5. Of course, go for it

As soon as you understand what you really want, focusing on your goal, you simply will not notice any obstacles. There is no fear, no doubt, there is only a goal.

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