3 reasons to meet him first


Reasons to meet him first: Women of the old school believe that in relationships, the initiative should always show a man. His calling is to win, and so we have to take the position of “victim” and humbly wait for when we have to pay attention to the next “hunter” and will take “guts”. Perhaps, for the last century it was normal, but in the modern world anyway, and a woman has the right to make the first move. How to avoid mistakes and understand that it is time to act?

These are the reasons to meet him first

Mutual interest

It so happens that you like a man, you and he share a smile and playful glances, perhaps even exchanging a few words, but beyond that, it does not matter. He continues to flirt and give you signs of attention, but you already want more. In this situation, you can take the initiative and make it clear to the fan that you are willing to progress in the relationship and do not mind to go to the next level. If he sees your location, then quickly decided on specific actions.

Mutual Interest

The lack of prejudice

Not all women close to the image of the timid doe. If you are strong and strong-willed nature, and the passive position of the victim you do not like, do not hesitate to go onboard the ship if on the horizon appeared attractive. Men, most of them even approve of the lack of old-fashioned prejudices and the ability to take the initiative. Shoot the eyes, flirt, make innuendos, but a decisive step, leave Him after all. Make her feel important and thinks that he has chosen you, not Vice versa.

Lack Of Prejudice

Excessive modesty partner

You can meet a very humble man, who because of their shy nature will never dare to ask a woman out on a date. If you are not used to languishing in expectation and wait for the sea whether – you and cards in hands. Invite him for a Cup of coffee, then walk, and then we will see: there is in man a potential for a relationship or not. You this act will not oblige, but the man may give a chance to prove themselves.

Excessive Modesty Partner

It is not necessary to live with the prejudices of the last century, look at life view of modern man. Be the master of its destiny and not let circumstances decide everything for you. You like a man – make a step forward. Perhaps it is from your determination will depend on the happiness of both of you.

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