Mustard hair mask: recipes for every hair type

Mustard Hair Mask

Mustard hair mask is an excellent method of care in the period when you need to provide your hair with additional strengthening procedures. What recipes you can use – read in our material.

The action of the mustard mask is due to substances that heat the scalp, and make the blood more actively nourish the hair roots. Regular use of this tool will accelerate hair growth, strengthen the roots and prevent loss.

The main advantage of the mustard mask is its versatility. It will suit almost everyone. The main thing – to choose the right recipe.

Remember, a mustard mask washes paint off your hair!

Mustard Mask for greasy hair

Mustard Mask For Greasy Hair

You will need 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of blue clay, a decoction of sage and a teaspoon of honey. Mix mustard powder with clay and add warm sage decoction. The texture should resemble the consistency of thick cream. Next, add honey and stir it well. It is not necessary to leave the mixture for a long time so that the mustard does not have time to display its “burning abilities”. Apply a mask on the hair roots. After 20 minutes – rinse.

Mustard mask for dry hair

Mustard Mask For Dry Hair

To prepare the mask, take 1 tablespoon of mustard, a tablespoon of homemade sour cream, a teaspoon of coconut oil and egg yolk. Mustard must be filled with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Add the remaining ingredients and apply on the hair roots. Carefully ensure that the mixture does not fall on the hair itself.

Mustard mask for normal hair

Mustard Mask For Normal Hair

Owners of normal hair can safely make one of the classic recipes of a mustard hair mask. Take 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, fill it with green tea (mix well), add yolk, a teaspoon of brandy and a tablespoon of honey. Stir the mixture well and apply to the hair roots. Wash off after 20 minutes with shampoo. Do not forget to use air conditioning!

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