Honey Face Mask, Lips & Hair Recipes

Honey Face Mask

Honey is a useful ingredient that is enriched with vitamins and minerals. How to use in your beauty-care? All the answers are already in the material.

In winter, our skin becomes more vulnerable. In order to remove dryness and flaking need to find the right care. Honey mask for lips, hair and face perfectly cope with some problems. This component retains moisture in the cells (like hyaluronic acid), moisturizes and cleans.

We have prepared recipes for homemade cosmetics with honey, which you can repeat!

Nourishing face mask

Honey mask moisturizes, nourishes and reduces fine wrinkles. You need the pulp of one orange and a tablespoon of honey. Apply the consistency for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water at room temperature. The second option: mix honey with cottage cheese (to the desired consistency). Keep at least 20 minutes.

Nourishing Mask For Face

Moisturizing Lip Mask

Weather affects the state of our lips. In order to get rid of the peeling and not worry that you have forgotten the balm at home – prepare a moisturizing mask. Take a spoonful of honey and tsp. olive oil. Melt in a water bath and let cool slightly. Optionally, you can add a couple of drops of sea buckthorn oil. Apply for 10 minutes and rinse!

Honey does not violate the pH (water) balance of the skin!

Honey hair mask

Natural honey contains a lot of useful components that enhance shine and hair growth. The easiest way is to warm two tablespoons of honey in a water bath and distribute it over the entire length. In order to activate the hair follicles and speed up the process of growing, you can prepare a mask with onions. Two or three tablespoons of honey should be mixed with onion mixture (grated). Apply to the hour! After this procedure – rinse your head well with shampoo.

Honey Mask For Hair

How to remove acne marks with honey?

Acne and other skin inflammation can leave marks on the skin (scars). Get rid of them and increase the elasticity will help honey. Prepare a liquid consistency. You will need one tablespoon of “sweet ingredient” and add a couple of drops of almond or peach oil. Blot a cotton swab and attach. After ten minutes, rinse with water!

Do you use honey in your beauty care? Please comment.

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