Saturday, September 14, 2024

Why divorced men are not in a hurry to remarry?


Many women Dating divorced men. It seems more reliable and promising. Why? Yes, because these representatives of a strong half of mankind, received an invaluable life lesson. They know that living together is not an eternal holiday, life together – responsibility and caring second half.

However, such men are often not in a hurry to your beloved to make offer hands and hearts, prolonging the period of Dating at a very uncertain time. Is it worth waiting for a decisive move? Or the situation will remain in limbo? To answer this question, let us consider the origins of the problem, namely, why men originally were free from marriage ties.


The reasons for the divorce of the first marriage

Early marriage

Sociologists came to the conclusion that young people under 25 years do not realize all the responsibility and consequences of their decisions. The reason for impulsive marriage becomes an unstable emotional state and a strong physical attraction to the opposite sex. After one to two years, “rose-colored glasses” disappear, and at the forefront of domestic issues (the security of the family, raising children, etc.). It turns out that young men are not ready for such a turn of events and only see one way out of this situation – the divorce;

Early marriage


Both partners are young, attractive, full of energy, and all the forces sent to conquer the professional peaks, completely forgetting about the second half and her needs. In the career race senses are dulled, leading to the inevitable break;


After the wedding, most newlyweds can’t organize a joint life. Men refuse to help their wives in household chores, women are offended and scandals. The result – from love to hate one step, and there’s no turning back;

Maniacal jealousy

Because of the young age of the wife is petulant and jealous. Innocent fleeting glance and a slight smile person of the opposite sex is perceived as a betrayal. When the blood is boiling and emotions are running high, it’s hard to curb your enthusiasm, so jealousy turns to rash actions and fatal decisions to leave;

Maniacal jealousy


From infidelity can be different causes and implications, but the results are equally negative. Men are particularly vulnerable in cases of adultery. In such situations, they feel frustrated, humiliated, and disappointed in all-female environment.

That the family split, almost always to blame both spouses, and the reasons for this quite a lot. But we will not delve into the nuances. It is much more interesting to know the behavior of the men, finding freedom from the bonds of marriage.

The life of men after divorce

Surely you have noticed that even the calmest and positive men after divorce begin to behave quite unpredictably. Some begin to abuse drunken drinks, others turn in on themselves and renounce the whole world, licking wounds, and some opposite – go the whole hog and assert themselves in casual physical relations.

Whichever model the behavior of a man, in the end, he will still succumb to the call of nature and want of warmth of the hearth. At this point, when the first pain of loss has dulled, he is willing to try to create a family again. To capture the attention of divorced men, it is necessary to observe some rules of communication and behavior.

The life of men after divorce

Rules conquering divorced men

  • In any case, you cannot try on the role of comfort girls. Otherwise, you risk to take in his life “vests” and not a companion;
  • After divorce men try new formats of relations, not always classic, and are acceptable for the female half. If his view of family life you don’t like, don’t settle for experiments;
  • Prepare yourself mentally that you will have to pass a rigorous casting: after a divorce, men become picky and demanding;

Rules conquering divorced men

  • Make no mistake that for a relationship with you, he will change;
  • Does not clear the causes of the breakup of a previous relationship;
  • Be patient and prudent. Remember that scandals and accusations it had suffered in past relationships;
  • Do not rush to win the just-divorced man. Give him time to sow their wild oats.

If you have entered into a relationship with a man who had a sad experience of family life, be prepared for the risk that he won’t re-commit. Periodic meetings (mostly at night and in your territory), the episodic romantic date will not lead to the desired result. To know that your Union has no future is to know the reasons why some divorced men do not dare again to legitimize the relationship.

Why divorced men are not in a hurry to make an offer

1. The negative perception of living together

Good life together a divorce is not the end. Divorced men in the brain are laid mainly bad memories. Your bad experience first time around, they unwittingly begin to project all future relationships;

Negative perception of living together

2. The fear of a new serious relationship

Divorced conquerors of female hearts full of prejudice and fear, perhaps even to a greater extent than the opposite gender. Remembering the failures of previous relationships, they are in no hurry to open the heart of a newfound lover.

3. Old habits in a new relationship

As a rule, men with a negative experience feel like experts on family life. Get ready to lag behind their point of view, and thus to argue with him and perhaps even to swear. Do not despair, be patient and try to convey to their partner that you are “the other woman”, with their beliefs and opinions not like his ex-wife;

4. The rest of the marriage kids

You will not be able to wait for the offer from your lover until he is sure that he will be able to freely communicate with his children from another woman and help him financially. Accept this and do not interfere.

The rest of the marriage kids

Starting a relationship with a man that has a bad life experience, not to forget, he was hurt emotionally. If you have the patience and will find an approach to it, the time will come when he will look at you with different eyes and make you the happiest woman on earth.

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