Think of your charming prince!

Charming Prince

Charming prince: Many women complain that their male ideal is unattainable and that now extinct Great Princes as a species. But should some of them to ask, and what he is, a handsome Prince, so few people can clearly and articulate all of its desirable characteristics.

Are you thinking of your charming prince?

To such a lapse never ever happened to us, we must approach the question of the ideal image of a life partner as seriously as planning your long-awaited vacation, for example. Because we carefully plan all the details of the holiday, where and how will that be, what excursions we will go and what restaurants to go to, right?

So why not take a piece of paper and not paint in detail that the only and cherished, with whom we would like to spend the rest of your life? The main thing is not to be afraid to express your deepest desires. Who said that there is a nice beefy fan to watch in the evenings, a romantic melodrama? Or that the love channel “Hunting and fishing” and to my Scottish fold pet – incompatible concepts? Here are those who don’t believe in it, they are not. Is it worth it to describe it all on paper, and look, they come to life!

Describe not only the qualities that you want to see in your favorite, dreams and about his habits, good and bad, about what his friends and how he treats his mother, how he was in childhood and who dreamed of becoming, and, of course, about how he will treat you that will appreciate and love you.

And to finally convince you of the correctness of this approach to the visualization of a handsome Prince, imagine such a situation.

One day you meet a man: smart, handsome, educated, with a sense of humor and a bunch of other advantages. In the case if you clearly had no idea of the person I want to be, you would have to rush headlong into the maelstrom of feelings and only after some time discover that, for all its merits, it is, for example, is not ready to create a family (and you even chose names for your children) or that are too dependent on the opinions of your friends (not always objective, by the way).

If you just mentally check my list of Prince charming, then you will be easier to understand, the one you want. And this will help you save precious time not less precious nerves.

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