Travel Automobile Discovery News Technology2 Min Read AzaharonJuly 22, 2018 Uber flew away. Here are 6 flying taxis of the future and 6 landing sites for them This year’s conference on urban air transport organized by Uber has ended with what has always been: showing many great projects and…
Electronics Discovery Investigations Lifehack Technology Tricks3 Min Read AzaharonJuly 23, 2018 HOW TO GET RID OF DUST ONCE AND FOR ALL Summer is the time of open windows and doors, looking for the outdoors to enter our home after a hard winter. However, this custom directly…
Biology & Zoology Discovery Food & Drinks Investigations Life Recipes Science2 Min Read AzaharonJuly 24, 2018 6 shocking reasons never to eat corn again Recently, scientists have found that corn causes serious harm to the body. Consider this product for more details: They say that corn is rich…