Top 10 fastest trains in the world

Fastest Trains

6. ETR-500 (Elettro Treno Rapido 500)

Etr-500 (Elettro Treno Rapido 500)

Speed – 362 km / h

This electric train was launched in Italy a quarter of a century ago, today its speed is 300 km / h, the official record was set in 2010 between Florence and Bologna and equal to 362 km / h. To get from Bologna to Milan, he needs a little less than an hour. Three years ago several ETR-1000 trains were due to leave, the maximum speed of which should reach 400 km / h, but the release was delayed due to lack of financing.

7. KTX Sancheon

Ktx Sancheon

Speed – 352 km / h

This train has one more name, it is known as KTX II, its first appearance in South Korea was recorded in 2009. Created by Hyundai Rotem, according to the drawing of the French train TGV, it belongs to Korail (the national railway operator of South Korea). Despite the fact that this train can develop the declared speed of 352 km / h, which it scored in 2004, in order to ensure its safety, its speed does not exceed 305 km / h. Comfortable cars of the train accommodate 363 people, it travels along two routes: Yonsan – Gwangju – Mokpo and Seoul – Pusan.

8. Eurostar


Speed – 334.7 km / h

Developed in the UK, the high-speed train from the TVG series, which crosses the UK, Belgium, and France, along with the La Mancha Tunnel (which has the second longest railway track in the world). The train accommodates nine hundred people, rides it is usually at a speed of 300 / h, and the high-speed record of this train occurred in 2003 and is equal to 334.7 km / h. To get from London to Paris, you just need to take a ticket to Eurostar and in less than two and a half hours you will be there.

9. InterCity Express (ICE)

Intercity Express (Ice)

Speed – 320 km / h

This type of high-speed trains is widely spread on the German railway, as well as in a number of nearby countries. On the road from Strasbourg to Paris, InterCity Express accelerates to 320 km / h. These long-distance trains are spread all over Germany. Now, this type of train was purchased by Russia, where they work on routes from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

10. THSR 700T

Thsr 700T

Speed – 315 km / h

The development of this train was conducted according to the schemes and drawings of the train Shinkansen, which comes from Japan. THSR 700T is located in Taiwan, its speed is from 300 to 315 kilometers per hour, it works on the route north of Taipei – south of Kaohsiung. There are a dozen comfortable carriages in it and all it involves about 1000 people. In 2005, it accelerated to its highest speed – 315 km / h.

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