The most awkward situations in a girl’s life

Girl'S Life

2. When you at a party take in hands a glass with red wine

Elegantly so you bring it to your lips, take a sip, and at that very moment your best friend creeps up behind you and yells in your ear: “Boo! Ha-ha-ha, scared ?! “No, you were not scared. You stand and start blood-red snot and drool like a newborn vampire baby.

Glass With Red Wine

3. When you put hair with a hair dryer and a round brush

And at home, of course, there is no one but cat Vasily, who has already watched for the past hour as you run around in the kitchen and intricately express yourself. In general, sooner or later it is necessary to go to the neighbor and ask that she let out this brush from your hair and cut out that beautiful koltun that you have outgrown yourself.

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