14 answers to the most common questions about the army for recruitment


Army for recruitment: October 13 began the autumn recruitment, which will last until the end of the year. We have collected everything you need to know about military recruitment and service in it.

1. How many serve in the army?

It is necessary to serve the year.

2. When is the call in the army?

Call twice a year: spring (from April 1 to July 15) and autumn (from October 1 to December 31). In the Far North, the call dates are shifted by one month: from May 1 and from November 1.

3. How many people are called into the army?

Each year, a separate presidential decree determines how many people must be called upon. It depends on the number of contractors. This year, during the autumn draft, 132.5 thousand people should go to different parts of the army.

4. From what age and to what call to the army?

From 18 to 27. With 17 years put on military records.

5. Do you have to send a subpoena to the army or do you need to come for it?

The agenda must be handed personally in the hands of a signature. A representative of the military registration and enlistment office, an employee of the municipality, a district police officer, someone at work or in an educational institution who is responsible for “military registration work” can hand in the agenda. If you just get a call from the military registration and enlistment office, this is not a subpoena, as well as an agenda in a mailbox or an agenda transferred to parents.

6. What happens if you get a subpoena and do not come to the draft board?

First, you will be fined: the first time from 100 to 500 rubles. If you do not come a second time, then it is already a criminal offense: a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment (up to two years).

7. In what cases in the army do not take?

If there is a certain disease. The list is quite impressive. If you want, look here. A conscript passes a medical examination, and there they decide his fate, conferring a certain category: from “fit for military service” to “unfit for military service”. Only the first two categories are called up for military service – A and B.

The army does not take if there is a criminal record, a degree or brother-soldier who died in the service.

8. How can I get a reprieve from the army?

A delay of 6-12 months, give sick (then you will write to the category G — “temporarily unfit for military service”). Also provide respite for family reasons: if you have seriously ill relatives, which should be cared for, or if the recruit more than one child.

To obtain a postponement is possible if you are studying: whether a bachelor, master or specialist.

Well, respite is given to those who after graduation entered the service of the Interior Ministry, the National Guard, State fire service, Ministry of emergencies, bodies of the criminally-Executive system and customs authorities.

9. Where can send the recruit?

Can send to serve in any part of the country. But if there is a child or a sick parent, you will most likely be close to home.

And if we talk about the troops, it depends on your category: the coolest fall into the elite troops: marines, airborne troops and submarines. The rest fall into the rest. A conscript can give preference in which kind of troops he would like to serve. If according to the criteria it fits, then it will be sent there.

10. What is an alternative army service?

It is a regular paid work in public institutions, which shall be counted as service. It lasts a year, and 21 months, and the state itself decides what it will be for the work.

Alternative service for those whose religious beliefs are not allowed to serve in the army. Need to apply before the start of the call, then the Commission will consider and take a decision. Of course, not all applications satisfy.

11. What can you take with you to the army?

Take a basic kit for personal hygiene (soap, toothbrush and paste, towel, washcloth, deodorant, razors, comb). If you smoke, bring cigarettes. You will also need a few pairs of socks and some cash. Dress when you go to the Assembly point, in comfortable clothing that will not mind to Deposit.

By the way, the phone can take, but it is better to change the time on your iPhone X in a simple and cheap phone with buttons.

12. What not to take with you in the army?

Jewelry, alcohol, piercing and cutting items (including glass bottles or other glassware), medicines without a doctor’s prescription modern gadgets with access to the Internet and vivipary liquids and materials (e.g., deodorant spray).

13. What is issued to recruits at the assembly point?

Military uniforms (also on the site is fitting things to fit the rookie), a badge with a personal number, Bankcard to enroll allowance and SIM card for mobile phone for cheap communication with their families. All the rest have been issued in parts.

14. Why do I need a military ticket?

If a young man is between 18 and 27 years old, then a military officer needed: without it I can not get to work, not to give a passport or credit. But after 27 years it stops asking. If you will not serve, after 27 years of age can safely come to the military enlistment office and to the inquiry of the objector. It certainly does not take on the service of state authorities, but everything else will be fine.

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