Health & Fitness Beauty & Wellness Investigations Life Lifestyle Science2 Min Read AzaharonJune 23, 2019 How stress affects the skin? We live in multitasking mode when we do not have time to rest and eat properly. It all accumulates and affects our emotional health. So stress…
Health & Fitness Diet & Nutrition Food & Drinks Investigations Life Lifehack Lifestyle Science Tricks5 Min Read AzaharonMay 8, 2019 How to normalize the pressure? Normalize the pressure: Unfortunately, people who often jump pressure, it is becoming more and more. How to normalize it, without resorting to…
Health & Fitness Inspiration Investigations Life Lifehack Lifestyle Personality Psychology3 Min Read AzaharonApril 13, 2019 How to overcome stress with fitness? Fitness: exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, stabilizes the level of hormones in the body, allows you to splash out negative…
Science Facts Investigations Life Psychology1 Min Read AzaharonApril 5, 2019 Why do we have nightmares? Why do we have nightmares? The reasons for this discomfort is enough: starting with stress and ending with medication. Late bedtimes Should…