Food & Drinks Cooking Diet & Nutrition Health & Fitness Investigations Life Lifehack Recipes Science2 Min Read AzaharonMay 4, 2019 Flu season: five foods for strong immune system Foods for strong immune system: The winter-spring period brings us not only a languid expectation of heat and sun but, unfortunately, many…
Health & Fitness Investigations Life Science7 Min Read AzaharonMarch 6, 2019 Autumn cold. How not to get sick? Autumn is not only a beautiful season, bright and unforgettable. In September, the day may still be quite warm. But do not be deceived: dress…
Health & Fitness Investigations Life Science6 Min Read AzaharonFebruary 27, 2019 Herpes: causes, types and treatment Herpes is caused by a group of viruses that is in almost every organism. With the weakening of immunity is the activation and propagation…