Saturday, September 14, 2024


Windows or Linux hosting: when Windows is better?

Windows or Linux hosting: When choosing the operating system of a virtual web server, they are often oriented either by software (if PHP / MySQL is...

Nginx proxy requests using proxy_pass

I want to talk about one useful feature of Nginx, which I regularly use in my business. It will be about setting up proxying...

How to configure vsftpd on Ubuntu?

vsftpd (Very Secure FTP Daemon) - FTP server with support for IPv6 and SSL. The first two letters in the name vsftpd mean “very secure”...

Configuring ssl in apache on CentOS

I want to share a little information about how to configure SSL in apache on a CentOS server and transfer the sites from http...

VDS – what is it?

Virtual dedicated server (explanation of the term VDS, Virtual Virtual Dedicated Server) is a service that provides the client emulation of a physical server.End...

What is a local server?

If you are developing your own service or site, it is not necessary to do it "live" - to buy a domain and hosting. It is...

Do you need your own blog? how to make it?

Want to create your own blog? A blog for many is not just a place where you can express your thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc., today...


Dedicated servers provide high-end computing resources needed to support various complex applications. Hosting an application on one of these servers usually costs a considerable...