How to use scarf in hair: the most interesting options


Spring and summer – this is the moment when you want lightness and playfulness. The perfect look can emphasize a scarf. Secrets of using a fashion accessory – already in the material!

A shawl is a multifunctional accessory that you can use as an item of clothing (belt), headdress, bracelet, or hair ornament. His story can begin with the Stone Age, it was then that primitive people defended their neck with a narrow piece of cloth.

The accessory became a trend after fashion houses began to release their variations. For example, the Hermes brand presented its first shawl back in 1928.

Trendy prints and shades of scarf

If we talk about the material, then this season should pay attention to silk. It is always relevant and gives any image of elegance and tenderness. Therefore, all shades of this color range will be in trend.

The print and color of the accessory should be combined with your clothes.

You can use this accessory in daily installations. Remember that the scarf print should go with your clothes. For example, if you choose the coral color, the best shades for the combination will be: white, beige, black, yellow, turquoise and others.







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