How to dress a man: 18 amazing tips


Let me guess … You want to dress well, but don’t know how to do it.

You have not previously shown a strong interest in your own style of clothing, and you never had a sense of how to dress properly. You just have no idea where to start and what to focus on.

And you know what? You are not the only guy who is trying to figure out how to dress a man. Many struggles with this, but after receiving the necessary advice, you can learn the necessary skills much faster.

How to dress a man: create your own style

1. Start from scratch

When you want to start dressing stylishly, you need to start from the very beginning.

This does not mean that you should immediately give up your clothes. Those around you are unlikely to understand if you will be shopping naked.

But you must admit that in the end, you will get rid of most of your current wardrobe, replacing with more suitable and stylish things.

Saying goodbye to some of your favorite garments will be difficult, but you need to do this to make progress.

Do not worry, in return, you will receive new favorite things that will make you look much better.

2. Forget everything that you think you know

One of the most significant challenges that you will have to overcome is your belief that a fashionable look is immaterial.

What you consider insignificant can turn out to be vital, while seemingly important things are secondary.

You must admit that you may not know as much as you think.

You should think of yourself as a beginner, otherwise, you will probably miss important lessons.

Imagine that you don’t know anything, and you will be open to learning everything you need.

3. Build the foundation of your wardrobe

Wardrobe renewal begins with a solid foundation.

You need to assemble a universal wardrobe, items that go well with almost anything.

The main things in this wardrobe should include white shirts, black pants, blue jeans and gray sweaters.

Once you have built your foundation, you can add more attractive clothes to your wardrobe.

4. Simplicity is the highest form of complexity.

You have to remember that you are a man, and being extravagant is not necessary. You don’t need excess eye candy and whistles to look gorgeous.

Prefer the simple things. Keep this in mind and stop over-complicate the situation. Simple style is the best style for guys.

5. The main thing is how well the clothes fit on you

This is the golden rule. Clothing should not only be beautiful but also well match the parameters of your body.

Compare these two shirts:

Compare These Two Shirts

What do you think looks better?

The shirt on the left does not correspond to the proportions of the body, making the guy look as if he had raided a strange closet.

6. Cut your wardrobe

Having a large wardrobe will not do any good.

In fact, having excess clothing in your wardrobe is not practical. This is good news for guys whose abilities are limited by their budget.

Never fill your wardrobe with a lot of clothes, thinking that only in this way you can achieve diversity.

You don’t need a lot of things to have an excellent arsenal of stylish clothes. You will be amazed at how little you really need.

In addition, you should periodically free your wardrobe from things that look worn out, that no longer suit you, or that you simply don’t wear them anymore.

7. Update your wardrobe

It is unlikely that you want to be the guy who wears the same clothes every day. You need a little variety.

In addition, old unnecessary items should be periodically replaced with new items of clothing.

You can decorate and expand your wardrobe at the same time. In doing so, you should ensure that things are combined with each other.

8. Use multiple layers in clothing

Use Several Layers Of Clothing

Knowing how to apply layering in clothes, you will get the maximum benefit from everything that is in your closet, and this will help you create more interesting images.

Layering allows you to play with clothes so that you learn how to combine them correctly.

9. Forget about fashion trends, first design your style

Many men think that they should be on top of all the latest fashion trends in order to become more stylish.

However, when you start, developing your own style is much more important.

When you find out what image you need, you can start adding fashion trends that will contribute to this image.

10. Look natural

You should not look like you spent several hours carefully creating your style in front of the mirror.

If you want to look good, look as if you are not making efforts to look good.

But this does not mean that your appearance should be called “chaos on the body.” Don’t confuse light negligence with a nightmare.

11. Try new things

Try New Things

When you develop your sense of style, you become open to new types of clothing. You should try things that you would never have thought of wearing before.

You might try wearing chinos instead of jeans or jackets instead of sweaters. You might want to use business casual clothes or even a suit. You might want to replace your sneakers with desert boots or moccasins.

You will be surprised how good you can look in clothes that you previously considered unsuitable for you.

12. Learn to love colors

Most men don’t seem to like the variety of colors in their wardrobe. Many of us adhere to the basic color scheme of black, white, gray and blue.

If so, you should expand your color horizons.

You must find out which colors are right for you, in addition to those that you are already used to. And the best way to do this is to try them.

Although you must learn to love colors, you should avoid using too many at the beginning of your journey to develop your own style, because you run the risk of using incompatible colors.

Stick to your clothing only one color (one color combination) at a time, keep neutral.

Once you expand your knowledge, you can begin to combine them more diligently.

13. The attitude of others

As soon as you start improving your style, you are guaranteed to receive stupid jokes from your friends.

The secret to fighting this is not to steam and not laugh. Having fun over the prankster is also the right way.

In the end, your friends will get used to who you become, and the jokes will stop.

14. Be open to feedback

There are people in your life who will sincerely try to help you, so be open to their advice.

You can usually determine when criticism is constructive and when someone is simply trying to lower you to their level.

Hint: people who give valuable and sincere advice usually dress pretty well.

You should also listen to women in your life, as they will be happy to share sincere and helpful feedback about your appearance.

15. Be honest with yourself

You should not imitate someone you are not. You will feel unnatural when you try to look as if it doesn’t match your personality.

For example, if you are a laid-back guy, you may not want to wear formal suits all the time. Just aim to look like a more stylish version of yourself.

16. Developing your own style will take time.

New York was not built immediately, and your style will not arise in an instant.

You will need time to fully understand all the little tricks that make your look great.

Don’t expect to become the most stylish guy in the world in a month or two. You should be prepared to spend some time on it.

17. Get ready to make mistakes

Through the thorns to the stars. We all make mistakes, none of us is immune from this.

Look at the celebrities. They often use the services of personal stylists or designers creating clothes just for them.

And even these people are mistaken, but only because they try new things. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes it hurts.

But the risk of error should not stop you from trying to wear new clothes.

The road to success is paved with errors. You just need to be able to accept them, draw the appropriate conclusions and move on.

18. Be sure that you will soon know how to dress a man

If you continue to work on yourself and your style, you will ultimately achieve your goal.

You will learn to notice important details in your and other people’s clothes. You will know which things are right for you and which aren’t for you. Choosing the best combination of clothes from your closet will be as simple as walking along the street.

No matter how long you develop your style, be sure that in the end, you will achieve your own.

How to dress a man according to age

Knowing how to dress well for a man at one age or another can be difficult at any stage in your life.

Although there are no established rules for how men should dress, the fashion for older men compared to younger ones can be completely different, so you should make sure that you are doing everything right.

1. How to dress a 20 years old guy

How To Dress A 20 Years Old Guy

Learning how to dress a guy at the age of 20 is not as difficult as for the rest of your life, because at that age there are fewer requirements for your appearance.

You can follow more economical fashion trends without investing heavily in your wardrobe.

And yet, this is probably the best period to develop the image that you prefer. Therefore, do not be afraid to choose a casual style, replacing it with a classic one next week.

Tips for dressing a 20 years old guy


Guys at age 20 are the most “served” audience when it comes to clothing. This is your chance to experience bold fashion trends before moving on to more classic styles as you grow older.

Don’t be afraid to try bright colors, unusual combinations, fashion trends.

When you get older, you may cringe from your choice by looking back, but for now, just enjoy the oddities of fashion.


Clothing is not the only thing that can affect your style, because even a great haircut can help improve your appearance.

If you are not sure what to do with your hair, it’s better not to resort to “crazy” haircuts. Fashionable haircuts may look great, but they may need to be regularly maintained with appropriate hair styling. This can add additional inconvenience to your daily life.


Accessories are just as important as clothing in style design.

Ordinary watch that you can wear with any item of clothing will never be superfluous investment, so do not be afraid to spend a little more money to achieve a great appearance.

If you prefer warm colors in their clothes, then a gold watch will match them, while silver would go well with a more muted, cool tones.

Get a pair of white shirts

White shirts are one of the most versatile items of clothing that will ever be present in your wardrobe, and they go well with almost any other item.

Try on shirts with jeans, compare their combination with a classic suit.

2. How to dress a 30 years old guy

1. How To Dress A 30 Years Old Guy

Fashion for 30-year-old men can be diverse, but already at this stage, you can begin to include a more classic style in your wardrobe.

This is, frankly, the best time to get dressed, as you have the perfect balance of youth and maturity.

One general rule for 30 year old men is to have clothing that matches your body.

A good style 30-year-old man should represent something like a well-fitted suit. Alternatively, you can mix different styles, moving away from the classics if you wish.

Tips for dressing a 30 years old guy

Make costumes is the most important item in your wardrobe

You might have bought great suits at age 20, but when it comes to the fashion of 30-year-old men, suits are even more important.

It’s time for you to diversify the wardrobe of your costumes with a color range, quality and patterns.

There are many occasions to wear a suit or jacket, so you do not have to wait for an official event. Find out which colors are best for you.

Invest in good things

While at the age of 20 you experimented with fashion, your task at the age of 30 is to polish your style of clothing to shine as much as possible. This is due, inter alia, to the transition from investing in a large number of cheap things to investing in fewer, but more expensive items of clothing. Among other things, this approach will save you the time you spend shopping.

Instead of buying a pair of jeans that will wear out in a year, buy a pair of jeans three times the price that you carry for a lot longer.

In addition to jeans, buy a quality blazer (jacket), several classic shirts, a good pair of shoes that are perfect for you.

3. How to dress a 40 years old guy

How To Dress A 40 Year Old Man

The clothing style at 40 years old is the result of development, and not a trend and fashion.

Filter out the dubious things that you tried in your 20s and 30s, and instead pay more attention to clothes and a color palette that suits you.

Fashion for men over 40 is usually more conservative and focused on quality, rather than on colors and patterns.

A white t-shirt and a good pair of jeans may look good on you, but make sure you are dealing with quality materials. You no longer have the right to put on cheap things.

Tips for dressing a 40 years old guy

Stick to a particular hairstyle

The clothing style for men over 40 is important, but a haircut can radically change the appearance of any person. Men over the age of 40 may begin to notice that their hair has become thinner and thinner. Therefore, for some, a short haircut is the best choice.

Suitable fitted things

It is not at all necessary that by the time you cross the 40-year line, your body weight will be measured in tons, but you are unlikely to be as thin as in your young years.

Therefore, for example, the best jeans for men over 40 are those that are not too narrow. The same applies to shirts and other items of clothing.

Choose lighter colors

As you get older, your skin becomes thinner and turns a little pale.

The dark colors of clothes can make you look even paler, so it makes sense for many men to prefer lighter colors. For example, dark blue and gray colors can easily replace the more saturated black color.

4. How to dress a 50 years old guy

How To Dress A Man In 50 Years

Fashion for men over 50 is very similar to men’s style after 40, with an emphasis on matching and color, not a trend.

Although you look great in a tailored suit for more formal occasions when it comes to casual wear, your choice may seem more difficult.

Tips for dressing a 50 years old guy

Again accessories

Accessories will be the perfect touch to clothing, whether it be simple jeans combined with a T-shirt or a more sophisticated suit with a tie.

When choosing accessories, one should give preference to classic, universal things that will not look out of place if combined with various items of clothing.

A leather belt with a gold or silver buckle is ideal, and spending a little more money on a quality thing is always justified. Now you are a sophisticated gentleman, not some uncle.

Look after your hair

The worst thing you can do in your 50s is to spend a ton of money on clothes and accessories, and then just forget about your hair and beard. They need love and attention, as well as suitable hair care products and even good beard oil.

So, how to dress a man depending on age

  1. 20. A time of experimentation, so don’t worry that something will go wrong.
  2. 30. Period to streamline your wardrobe and adding some luxury items.
  3. 40. Your style should be to invest in high-quality and expensive things that will stand the test of time.
  4. 50. The time required to update the wardrobe.

We wish you good luck and look great!

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