How to learn to speak beautifully: 21 tips

Speak Beautifully

It is advisable for each person to strive to improve their communication skills, for which it is necessary to know how to learn to speak beautifully. It doesn’t matter if we are talking to an audience of many thousands or simply delivering information to a dozen employees, the basic principle is the same: when contacting several people at the same time, in order to achieve a successful result, it is important to effectively transmit the information in such a way that it is accepted in undistorted form and were not forgotten after five minutes.

How to learn to speak beautifully

1. Learn and use a new word every day

This seemingly simple task still requires some effort.

Some words in connection with their specificity are unlikely to be applied in conversation every day. In addition, it is sometimes difficult to remember what you ate for breakfast, so remembering to use a new word can be a serious problem.

Despite everything, continue to make efforts, and soon you will begin to enjoy this daily task. It will certainly pay off with interest when you need to make a speech and pick up the right words on the fly.

2. Practice speaking without preparation

Public speaking should not consist solely of pre-prepared speech. In many cases, there may not be time for preparation.

Even when you have enough time, it’s important not to re-plan your speech. Listeners do not like it when they read information. Public speaking should be seen more as a conversation than as a reading of poetry.

The most important skills for conducting spontaneous communication are confidence and the ability to relax.

Excitement is the biggest obstacle to becoming an eloquent speaker.

If you want to learn how to speak beautifully, you must be confident in yourself, in your knowledge, and, most importantly, you should learn to relax.

3. Speak in simple language

Writers, sellers and public speakers know that this is a working principle, and not without reason. Simple speech makes a greater impression on the mind of the listener.

Although there is a temptation to suggest that a speech consisting of abstruse words and phrases is the key to eloquence, quite often everything is exactly the opposite. Extra words only distract attention, and the impression you leave for your audience will be something like this: what was that all about?

Undoubtedly, the rich vocabulary will add an enchanting sophistication to your eloquence, but in order for a speech to be truly effective and memorable, the use of “beautiful” words should not be too frequent.

Just remember that you do not need to overdo it. Worrying about every word in every sentence increases the level of stress for mental activity, and it will be more difficult for you to speak beautifully.

Therefore, speak simply, and let your eloquence develop naturally.

4. Know the power of silence

People who can speak beautifully know the power of silence, and if they have to pause, they use this moment to their advantage.

Silence creates uncertainty and can make the following statement more expressive.

There is power in silence, and the greatest speakers know how to use it to good use.

5. Eliminate parasite words

When people feel uncomfortable, nervous and do not know what to say, they tend to stutter and fill the silence with unnecessary words or sounds.

Replace ridiculous interjections, such as “Hmm”, “Ehhh”, “Ahhh”, with words that really make sense: “Let’s move on to …”, “Another important consideration …”, “Let’s move on to conversation … “.

Such phrases are fillers that help prolong silence when you need time to think.

6. Slang is a hindrance

The best speakers leave jargon and professional slang at home.

Do you know the difference between an inexperienced seller and a sales professional? An inexperienced seller can confuse you and leave you confused, while a professional allows you to feel more educated and intellectually developed than you thought about yourself.

The slang is intended for people employed in your field of work so that the labor process is faster.

Don’t use it to impress other people. Instead, listeners will be at a loss and communication will clearly be ineffective.

7. Be concise

When you get to the bottom and convey the necessary meaning, you should not continue to procrastinate the topic, because this makes no sense. Nobody wants to dissolve in your stream of consciousness.

Say what you want to say using the least amount of words, but in such detail that people can present it with complete clarity.

In one case, details may really be necessary, in the other they will make listeners fall asleep.

Say what you want to say and do it well.

8. Remember quotes

Oscar Wilde once said: “Quote is a great substitute for wit.”

The ability to give the right quote in the conversation is really cool.

Do you think memorizing quotes is a waste of time? Maybe. But you can definitely make a strong impression on the female half.

9. Focus on the last sound

Avoid mumbling, making a conscious effort to utter every syllable completely.

Pay particular attention to the final words in the sentence.

10. Study the performances of famous speakers

Do you need inspiration? Watch the speeches of famous speakers and analyze their speech.

They certainly learned the skill of eloquence and can become an example for you how to professionally own your word.

11. Speak confidently

How to learn to speak beautifully? Speak confidently.

Even if you are talking on the phone, how you feel affects the way people perceive the information you convey.

12. Speak loudly

To develop eloquence, speak loudly enough so that people who are farthest from you can hear your voice, but not so loudly as to create inconvenience for the closest listeners.

Never raise your voice to the level of screaming. If you find yourself in this position, ask for a microphone or ask your listeners to approach you.

13. Speak at different speeds

Speech that sounds at the same speed quickly turns your speech into a monotonous hum.

Instead, slow down or speed up depending on the importance of the information being transmitted.

Speak more slowly when you provide new or more relevant information so that students can fully absorb it.

14. Think Before You Speak

Surely one of the most important principles of eloquence is to know what you are talking about.

A clear idea of what you want to say will allow you to organize your thoughts into an interconnected structure. This is not at all difficult.

15. Focus on listeners

Learning to speak beautifully makes sense only if people listen to you, but they will not do it if you think about something else, or your eyes constantly wander throughout the audience.

Eloquence without focused attention is a simple sound.

Avoid casting a confused look around, as this makes you seem dishonest. If you need to look at your notes, use only a look, but don’t nod your head.

16. Position your body

Add expressiveness to words by moving your body.

For example, if you are performing on stage, you can move from one place to another to emphasize a new thought.

Likewise, while sitting at a table at a conference, lean forward a little when you want to focus your attention on something.

17. Straighten your back

Talking beautifully is more than just owning a word. Equally important is body language.

The position of your back is the foundation of your body language and therefore the source of your eloquence.

Stooping, as if you are declaring a lack of confidence in yourself and your words.

Direct but relaxed posture gives you a mental and physical state in which words flow smoothly and easily.

18. Lift your chin

The position of your head is as important as the position of your back, which is emphasized in many common terms.

For example, “looking up high” means a manifestation of confidence and determination. “Head down” means that you are defeated.

Keeping your head straight is advisable for physiological reasons. If your head is tilted down, your neck becomes tense and you will not be able to pronounce words clearly, which will lead to a mumble.

19. Support words with a gesture

Use hand gestures to highlight key points.

The easiest way to master this skill is to watch the performances of celebrities and public speakers.

Please note that their hand movements seem to be a continuation of their words.

If you are not inclined to actively use gestures, keep your hands relaxed. Started games with your glasses, a rustle of papers, as well as scratching your body will distract the audience from speaking and negatively affect your eloquence.

20. Deficiencies

After identifying your shortcomings, create a plan to solve them.

One of the strategies to eliminate them is to solve a specific issue each time. For example, focus on getting rid of parasite words on Monday and on confidence in your speech on Tuesday.

21. Practice, practice, practice

Stephen King wrote about the mastery of the word: “If you want to become a writer, you should always do two things: read a lot and write a lot.”

Constantly practice in the desire to learn to speak beautifully, day after day, and you will certainly master the instrument of eloquence.

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