13 most expensive pets


6. Pearl skate

Pearl skate. Fifty thousand dollars – this amount will have to be given for the pearl ray. This is a rare species, the catch of which is prohibited. The individual reaches a length of fifty centimeters. In captivity, the pearl sting practically does not multiply

Pearl Skate

7. Platinum Arowana

Platinum Arowana. Arovan platinum or white color is the most expensive and rare fish. Unusual color appeared as a result of mutation. The cost of one such individual can reach up to two hundred thousand dollars. It grows to ninety centimeters and can live in an aquarium with a volume of a thousand liters with a constant supply of a considerable amount of live food.

Platinum Arowana

8. Khao Manee

Khao-mani. A breed of cats whose ancestors were pets of royalty. It’s about the breed of Khao manee. These are very intelligent, easily trained, tender cats with a snow-white color and bottomless eyes. Despite the rich pedigree, they are completely unpretentious and are able to live in almost any conditions.

Khao Manee

9. Chausie

Chausie, This breed is both expensive and rare at the same time. The cost of a representative of this breed varies from eight to ten thousand dollars. Such a pet always pleases the owner, since not only is distinguished by beauty and grace but still behaves like a kitten throughout life.


10. Savannah

Savannah. A cat that looks like wild and does not give the impression that it can not be kept at home. This is the most expensive breed of cats in the world, the cost of the animal reaches twenty-two thousand dollars. A cat likes free space, so it is important to give the pet a chance to walk in the air from time to time.

Savannah Cat

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