10 most amazing and interesting facts about dogs


It is very difficult to answer the question of how many pet dogs live in families around the world. Counting them is not possible. Dogs require care: they need to be fed, treated, walked, and trained. This requires a lot of time and finances, but most people still prefer dogs over fish or rats.

However, there is nothing surprising here. Instead, these animals give a lot of positive emotions. Dogs are the most loyal and faithful friends. Most owners are confident: they know absolutely everything about their pets.

If you also have this wonderful animal, or you just love to learn something new, pay attention to our article.

Below are the ranking of the top 10 most interesting and amazing facts about dogs

1. The average lifespan is from 8 to 15 years

The Average Lifespan Is From 8 To 15 Years

However sad it may sound, the lifespan of a dog is much shorter than that of a human. It depends on the breed of the animal and the conditions of its care. If you have chosen an English Mastiff, Bordeaux Dog, or Newfoundland, be prepared that the animal is unlikely to live up to 10 years. There are long-lived breeds: Dachshund, Husky, Chihuahua, and others.

Of course, each case is individual, but the dog owner should remember that the life of the pet is in their hands. High-quality food, walks, regular visits to the veterinarian – if you follow all these conditions, you will be able to maximize the lifespan of your beloved pet.

2. Mental abilities at the level of a two-year-old child’s intelligence

Mental Abilities At The Level Of A Two Year Old Child'S Intelligence

Scientists have found that the level of a dog’s development corresponds to that of a 2-2.5 year old child. The animal knows up to 165 words and can count up to 5. According to them, it is easy to communicate with a dog if you talk to it like a little child.

3. Dogs in space

Dogs In Space

Americans sent monkeys into space, while in the Soviet Union this mission was entrusted to dogs. In 1957, 12 animals were selected for this purpose. The first dog to visit space was a stray named Albina. She flew half of the orbit and was able to return to Earth alive and unharmed.

The fate of her successor, Laika, was tragic as she died a painful death. Another “space conqueror” named Muha was exploded because the rocket lost control and Soviet people were afraid it would fall on the territory of another country.

The famous Belka and Strelka became the first animals to make an orbital space flight. Its duration was 25 hours. The dogs managed to return to Earth and lived to a ripe old age. Now their stuffed animals can be seen in the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

4. Great Dane is the tallest breed

Great Dane Is The Tallest Breed

German dogs are called “Apollo dogs”. These are elegant and stately animals. Height can reach 90 cm, weight varies from 60 to 90 kg, depending on gender and genetic characteristics. Despite their formidable appearance, German dogs are quite calm animals. They are confident, friendly, and reserved.

Interesting fact: the tallest dog in the world, Giant George, was precisely a representative of this breed. The animal lived in the city of Tucson. Its height was 1.1 m, weight – 110 kg. When the dog stood on its hind legs, it was much taller than its owner – 2.2 meters. This dog resembled more of a giant horse. Unfortunately, George did not live long in this world, he died at the age of 7.

5. They dream

They Dream

Owners of dogs often notice that their pets twitch their paws, growl, and even try to bite someone in their sleep. It can be concluded that they too can “enjoy” dreams.

Biologists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a series of brain studies on dogs and proved that their brains are similar to those of humans.

Another equally interesting question is: what do dogs dream about? Scientists have tried to answer this question. They believe that dogs dream about events that happened to them in real life, as well as frequently dreaming about their owners. It remains to be believed in their word.

6. The nose is a cooling system

The Nose Is A Cooling System

Dog owners should definitely know that their pets can only sweat through their nose and with the help of the pads on their paws. There are special glands located in the nose. They release moisture, which evaporates during breathing, and the animal’s mucous membranes cool down.

The cooling system of dogs with long noses works much more efficiently than that of bulldogs, pugs, and others. That is why representatives of such breeds have problems with cooling. They have difficulty tolerating heat and physical exertion. If we consider this feature from the standpoint of anatomy, these animals have an anomaly in the structure of the skull, which appeared as a result of selective breeding and is now passed on through inheritance.

7. Different diseases can be identified in a person

Different Diseases Can Be Identified In A Person

This fact may seem fantastic, but it is indeed true. Dogs can sense human diseases through their sense of smell. Scientists say that animals can be trained to detect oncological and other serious illnesses.

Dogs can anticipate an epileptic seizure 45 minutes before it starts. Also, furry friends are capable of “smelling” the feelings and emotions of their owners.

8. The nose print is unique, like fingerprints of people

The Nose Print Is Unique, Like Fingerprints Of People

Every dog has its own nose print. This pattern is unique and cannot be confused with the pattern of another animal.

An artificial intelligence developer from China recently became interested in this question. The company created a smartphone program (“Megvii“) that can recognize animals. This application will be very useful if a pet gets lost.

Chinese developers say that it can also be used in case of problems. For example, if the owner walks the dog without a muzzle. Based on this information, they plan to compile ratings of “uncivilized content” of animals.

9. Significantly differ from each other depending on the breed

Significantly Differ From Each Other Depending On The Breed

Of course, we are not talking about differences in the appearance of animals. It turns out that the character and behavior of a dog largely depend on its belonging to a certain breed.

A group of neurobiologists from Harvard studied this issue. As a result of their research, they found that there are significant differences in brain anatomy. Without going into details, it can be concluded that each breed has its own orientation (hunting, guarding).

However, some scientists consider the study unreliable, as most modern dogs live in apartments or houses and lead a completely different lifestyle than their predecessors.

10. In the darkness, dogs see better than in daylight

In The Darkness, Dogs See Better Than In Daylight

According to scientists, dogs are considered transitional animals. They are among the lucky ones who can see equally well during the day and at night. During the dark hours, their vision will surpass human vision by 3 to 4 times. This is explained by the special structure of the eye retina. This fact can also be explained from an evolutionary perspective. Dogs are predatory animals, and in the wild, they primarily hunt at night.

Several factors influence an animal’s ability to see. Dogs are better at distinguishing moving objects. Smell also plays a significant role. Dogs have another “secret weapon” that helps them see at night – their whiskers. They help the animal determine the approach of danger or prey.

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