What are keywords, how and where to use them correctly?


Keywords are a set of words by which visitors come to a certain page by typing keywords into the search box. The purpose of the user is to find the necessary information, namely the information corresponding to the entered query. The task of the search engine is to provide him with this information by keywords. Simply put, these are exactly the words and phrases (keywords) by which the search engine finds sites (pages) with the information required by the user.

How to choose the right keywords?

SEO optimizers who are engaged in the promotion of sites, in the first place, are interested in the question: what keywords will the site develop? We will try to understand what they represent and how important these words are.

If you want to find some information on the Internet, for example, how to create an inexpensive site, you write in the search engine’s search line “create a website cheap”. Next, Google, Yandex, or another search engine gives you a list of sites optimized for this query, based on the query you entered, and the words “create a website inexpensive” and will be key to sites that offer services to create low-cost resources.

Let’s take another example. You offer services for the sale and installation of greenhouses. Your potential customers will be users who type in the search engines: “installation of greenhouses”, “buy a greenhouse”, etc. These words, which can also be called advertising, will also be key to your business. They also have their price on the Internet and those phrases that users are looking for more often, are more expensive.

Your main task is to choose the right set of keywords (the so-called semantic core), which will bring more users to the resource. This list should be no less than 10-20 words and phrases, the number of words can be much larger, but according to its subjects.

To correctly choose keywords, you need to know exactly the interests of potential visitors to your site. It is important to take into account the professional terms and abbreviations, as well as the fact that people often make mistakes. In the latter case, the incorrectly written word will also be key.

Avoid using words that have a wide meaning as keyword combinations. The maximum length of the keyword should not exceed 7 words, taking into account alliances and prepositions, and ideally, it is recommended to use two words, a maximum of three.

Use for keyword matching service from Google. In the results of statistics, depending on the keywords you entered, the service can give you interesting ideas (tips) about what other keywords users use when searching. The figure next to each query shows how many people a month dials this query (as a keyword) in Google search.

Where are the keywords used?

Trying to raise their web page in the search results, webmasters often make mistakes. For example, they re-optimize articles, make them unreadable, and think that a huge number of visitors will come to their site. In fact, excessive keyword density is not a secret of success. It’s enough to have only a couple of keyboards in the arsenal and know where to use them and how to apply them correctly.

Next, we’ll look at the most necessary “seats” for keywords and phrases.

1. The title of the “Title” page. Perhaps, this is the most important factor that influences promotion. And if the keyword is not in the title of the page, then this page is almost impossible to promote. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Enter only relevant keywords and do not allow unreadable headers. If a visitor, looking at the headline, goes to your page and does not find a solution to his question, he will not remain on the web resource for a long time.

2. Domain (or site name). Promotion for a particular keyword is greatly simplified due to its presence in the name of the site. True, it is very difficult to come up with such a name for a web resource. Also, it is not always unique. Domains with keywords quickly buy, and for some, you have to overpay.

3. The name of the page. Written transliteration of the keywords in the title also served as an excellent reason for the search engine to raise the page in the issuance. Do not worry, search engines easily recognize transit and pay attention to it. Again, do not overdo it! Too many keywords in the title will only harm.

4. The first paragraphs of the article. Perhaps the most suitable place in the text for placing keywords. Because this is one of the first things that the user pays attention to when he hits the page.

5. Headings H1-H6. The composition of these tags pays attention not only to search engines but also to visitors. It’s no secret that Internet users in most cases read the text obliquely, simply receiving all information placed on the surface, skipping unnecessary and difficult to perceive information, dates, etc. Tags headers help readers to better navigate the page, access only the necessary content.

6. Bold underlined and oblique text. As previously mentioned, both people and robots look at the selection of the text.

7. In the text used for the reference, you should also place the keywords. The same keyword must be entered in the title attribute. For those who do not know, the contents of the title attribute are displayed when you hover over the cursor link.

On this we have everything.

Remember: do not overdo with the density and number of keywords, do not turn the text into an unreadable form. Just find a couple of suitable keywords, place them in the proper tags, the addresses of the pages and the site, highlight them, and the result will not keep you waiting long.

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