Sedan Tesla Model 3 has received the Summon feature and can now park on its own

Sedan Tesla Model 3

The other day Tesla announced that the most inexpensive model of the company’s electric car line – Sedan Tesla Model 3 – has recently supported the Summon feature. Recall, this functionality, which was initially only available in older models Model S and Model X c, gives the car the ability to carry out parking completely independently and does not require the presence of the driver behind the wheel.

With the Summon function, the Tesla Model 3 can now independently drive out of the garage or drive in and turn off the engine light without having to be present or monitored by the driver. That is, the car can independently leave the garage or parking place, meeting you at the porch of the house or on the road outside the parking lot. The only action that is required from the driver is to press one button on the key fob. It must be taken into account that at the same time it is necessary to be at a distance of not more than 12 m from the car.

The distribution of the corresponding firmware update for Model 3 started at the end of last month.

The head of Tesla Elon Musk in one of the latest messages on Twitter especially stressed that in this mode the car moves completely independently, and is not controlled remotely by the driver.

In recent months, Tesla has suffered record losses due to problems with the mass production of Model 3. But recently the company finally entered the production of five thousand Model 3 per week and now expects to return to profit already this quarter.

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