Friday, October 25, 2024

Masks for oily skin at home: 12 recipes


Masks: Skincare is an important component of our beauty. Only the correct selection of funds can help to achieve the perfect tone. Today we will talk about the most simple, but very effective face masks that you can cook at home!

Troubled skin is one of the most popular problems that can appear at any age. In order to correct the situation, you need to approach it comprehensively. Let’s start with facial masks. Beauty brands offer us a wide range of such products that cope with certain tasks: narrow pores, remove black spots or dry inflammations. A lot of options!

Before you start a SPA procedure or multimasking, you need to clean your face from makeup or impurities. Use cleanser and then toner. It activates metabolic processes and accelerates the penetration of all active components.

Facial mask from avocado

1. Avocado Face Mask

To prepare a mask for problematic avocado skin is very simple. The oil of this fruit relieves inflammation, moisturizes and tightens pores. You will need one tablespoon of pulp, egg white and tsp. lemon juice. Hold for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

2. Clay cleaning mask

The clay mask is suitable for any skin type and will be a godsend for those who do not like to spend a lot of time preparing home remedies. Take one article. spoon of cosmetic clay and dilute with water (preferably mineral). The consistency should resemble a cream mass. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse.

Cleansing clay mask

3. Brightening face mask

After acne or rashes, small spots or pigmentation often remain on the skin, which can be removed with face masks. The recipe is simple: 1 tbsp. white clay, water and floor t.l. lemon juice. Apply such masks can be on the whole face or only on problem areas. Repeat three times a week for a month!

4. Soothing mask

Troubled skin are very “capricious“, so soothing mask will help to remove pimples on the face. You will need: green clay, water and a few drops of almond or peach oil. Apply for 10 minutes. If you feel tightened – wash, do not hold the consistency for more time.

5. Mask with tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It activates the processes of renewal, soothes and reduces inflammation. In order to prepare a mask for problematic skin at home – you will again need clay (as a base). Add three drops of essential oil and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply for 10 minutes!

6. Mask to narrow pores

It is possible to narrow pores in a short period. The first rule is to “close” the pores after cleansing the face, the second is to regularly make cleansing masks. An effective and simple recipe: beat one protein until foam and add tsp. lemon juice. Apply for 15 minutes and rinse. If you have dry skin, it is better to prepare a tool for point use (a bit pulls).

Mask to narrow pores

7. Honey mask for oily skin

Honey mask improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolic processes and “helps” to quickly remove acne. One tsp. honey must be diluted with almond oil (3-5 drops). Apply for 5-7 minutes. Express method: the consistency can be poured onto a cotton swab and applied to problem areas.

8. Mask from black dots.

To prepare the mask film from the black dots can be using activated carbon. Take two tablets (grind to powder), a spoonful of gelatin and two tsp. milk Mix all ingredients and heat slightly. Keep the consistency until completely dry. Do not apply to the area around the eyes!

9. Mask of potatoes

A homemade potato mask removes the greasy luster on the face and mattes the skin. Grate (determine how much consistency is needed) and add a little kefir. Apply soft mass to the skin and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

10. Cucumber face mask

Cucumber juice lightens pigmentation and reduces sebum production. Grate the cucumber, then mix with yogurt and add a teaspoon of oil (coconut, olive, almond). After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can repeat the procedure two or three times a week!

Cucumber face mask

11. Drying mask for acne

Yeast is needed not only to bake a delicious cake but also to make a drying mask. Take one tablespoon of the ingredient, mix with kefir and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Hold for about 15 minutes.

12. Vitamin mask for inflammation

Liquid vitamins A and E can be purchased at any pharmacy. They will be an excellent find for lovers of home cosmetics and the main component to a vitamin mask. Base: green, blue or black clay. Mix two spoons with water (bring to the consistency of sour cream). Add a few drops of vitamin A, E. Apply for 10 minutes.

The result of homemade masks can be seen through several applications, and it is best to complete the course. Please note that all components need to be checked for individual sensitivity to avoid allergic reactions.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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