Friday, October 25, 2024

The main mistakes in the skincare for 30+


Skincare should be comprehensive because only then it brings the maximum effect. We will help you upgrade your beauty Arsenal!

After 30 years, many body processes slow down, and making certain substances (hyaluronic acid, collagen) is reduced. Therefore the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. All this leads to the appearance of first wrinkles and excessive dryness.

In order that the skin was taut and wrinkles are invisible it is necessary to correctly pick up cosmetics, and to know beauty secrets and daily care. Analyze the main mistakes?

1. Rub the skin

Facial cleansing is one of the first steps on the path to beautiful, youthful skin. Pick the tools that will be mildly affected and not disturb the water balance. Important point: do not RUB the face, because it leads to the injury and the appearance of the first wrinkles. Any texture of your beauty products needs to be applied lightly for basic massage lines.

2. Do not use facial masks

Face masks contain a large concentration of useful substances (some give an instant effect). Do such cosmetic procedures 2-3 times a week. How often can multimasking be performed? Read in our past material: is it possible to make masks every day?

Do not use facial masks

3. Select the type of care that is not suitable for your skin

When selecting cosmetics, you need to consider your skin type, age, and other individual characteristics. You should not believe the promising descriptions or advertisements. The best way to choose the right beauty product is a composition study.

4. You think that SPF protection is needed only in summer

UVA rays (capable of penetrating the upper layers of the skin) active at any time of day and year. Almost 50% of the annual dose of the rays we receive not in the summer, so in order to protect their skin and prevent pigmentation – use cream with an SPF-filter.

5. Neglecting skin peeling

Exfoliation is an important step in skincare at any age. It allows you to remove dead skin particles and increase the efficiency of your funds. All components will be faster to penetrate deep into and saturate the cells with beneficial substances. Do these procedures once in 2-3 weeks.

Neglect peeling to the skin

6. Do not use beauty products with hyaluronic acid and collagen

After 25 years in the body decreases the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen. In order to reestablish the balance — use a special tool with these components. Note the concentration of substances. This will depend on the effectiveness of the products. By the way, hyaluronic acid is added not only in injections, serums, creams, and boosters but also in cosmetics for hair.

7. Apply anti-aging cream in the morning

Components act on the skin differently, depending on the time of day. For example, vitamin C in the morning, better effect, and anti-aging agents – at night. It was then that is all-important metabolism and cell regeneration.

8. You do not have skincare products around your eyes

The skin around the eyes is quite thin, so it can injure from different external and internal factors. To care for this area needs special care with the desired concentration. Please note that some brands have started to produce generic creams.

You don't have the means to care for the skin around the eyes

9. Forget to moisturize your lips

Lip balm is a must-have product that should always be at hand. Moisturizing the skin will “slow down” the appearance of vertical wrinkles. They give the age of the girl.

10. You sleep a little

You work a lot and sleep a little? This is a sure way on the way to the appearance of the first wrinkles. Good sleep helps the body faster to be updated and toxins. The thing to remember is that melatonin (sleep hormone) is secreted in the period from 23.00 to 01.00 at night.

11. Think cosmetics is enough

Skincare starts with your diet. Therefore, some cosmetics are not enough. Add to your beauty menu vitamins and Superfoods (turmeric, avocado, Chia seeds). Do not forget about physical exercises and light massage. This will help to disperse the lymph (to reduce swelling) and to normalize blood circulation.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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