How to fall in love to find your own happiness?


It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that a feeling of complete happiness cannot be without a state of falling in love. In this case, we are talking, first of all, about the long-lasting feeling that a person is happy, and not about some fleeting situations that briefly lift our mood.

The vast majority of men and women dream of mutual love. People who have experienced unrequited love know very well how hard it is tolerated and in what depressions it sometimes introduces a person.

How do men fall in love?

All psychological research and surveys indicate that men are much more amorous than women. This is a weak half of humanity often raises the question – how to fall in love, if not caught the prince, and even on a white horse. For a man, the problem is exactly the opposite. However, temperament plays a big role here. Thus, men from southern countries are related to fast-paced psychological types. Men from the northern regions of our planet are much more sedate and not so temperamental in comparison with southerners.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what is better – a temperamental temperament or psychological restraint. Still, in human society, unlike the animal world, there is such an important institution as the family. A family is a man’s obligation to a woman, a woman before a man, both spouses in front of her children.

Knowing how men fall in love, and they do it very easily, any woman can manipulate male feelings to a certain degree, expressing the attitude towards her. The simplest initial stage is to attract the attention of a man. This is done with the help of clothing, communication or even passing expressive looks. The more experienced a woman, the larger her arsenal of all sorts of little tricks that can excite a man and his interest in her.

In the conditions of the school, labor and other collectives, where people can communicate for a long time, close acquaintance is easier than acquaintance between a man and a woman who met for the first time. But, on the other hand, a close acquaintance in the teams significantly reduces the choice.

Over time, even the brightest burning feelings of a man to a woman fade away. With this in principle, nothing can be done. But it is quite possible, thanks to the efforts of a woman, such feelings extend, as long as possible. For this, a woman should never forget about her appearance. If a woman tries to look beautiful and feminine only in public, and in the house, in the presence of a man, walks in an old worn dressing gown, without make-up and with a hair on her head a la an explosion at a pasta factory – a man such a woman will dislike very quickly.

Another way to prolong romantic relationships is to stay out of joint living for longer. But there is a risk of losing a beloved man, who in front of a woman will practically have no obligations in this case.

How do women fall in love?

Most women fall in love is much harder than men. If the representatives of the strong half of humanity in relation to the opposite sex, aesthetic and sexual attractiveness play a crucial role, then women in the price have the reliability and decency of the person they choose to partner with. In this case, it is important to take into account that in young girls very often this value is almost levelled. But the older and more experienced a woman, the more significantly her view on these things changes!

However, despite the age, most women want very much to have at least some man next to them. This is especially observed in unmarried women after 30-35 years. If by this age women have not got a permanent partner – an official or civil husband, they are ready to go for almost anyone, even without paying attention to the appearance of a man. And this is the most insignificant mistake compared to when women marry without taking into account the character, manners, interests of their chosen ones!

A man who sets himself the goal of truly falling in love with a woman will be very difficult. Under the age of 30, when women have a more romantic outlook on life and men, this goal is more likely to succeed than in the case of older women. The frowning of schoolgirls or female students is in no way comparable to that of middle-aged or Balzacian ladies. However, all the same, there are chances.

Probably, now it makes no sense to talk about love at first sight when a feeling of love arises without special difficulties. It is better to understand the problem of how to be those men who really want to kindle a feeling of love for them in some very like lady. Here are a few basic tips that can help you cope with this task:

  • Be neat;
  • Show only a good and positive mood ;
  • Be communicative and communicate in the manner that is closest to a woman (do not talk about high matters, if this is an entirely uninteresting topic for a woman, and, conversely, fall to flat silly jokes if a woman has high culture and intelligence);
  • Tell a woman about her feelings for her when it becomes appropriate (in no way be ashamed to say the words “I love you!”, “You are the best in the world!”, etc.).
  • Do not overdo it with drinking alcohol

Ultimately, knowing how women fall in love and what can affect their attitude towards a man, it is quite possible to touch the most tender strings of a woman’s soul.

How to fall in love. From the experience of practising psychologists.

I want to fall in love! How tired I am to be alone! – these and similar complaints from women and from men who have not decided on a regular partner are often heard in the offices of psychologists.

Undoubtedly, each problem is individual and solved individually. But there is something in common between most cases. Most often, the problem of loneliness is faced by men and women who once for some reason lost confidence, or never had it. Therefore, it is very important to raise personal values and self-esteem in your own eyes.

Strictly speaking, for this purpose, there are cabinets of psychologists – to correct the mental perception of the personality not only of the surrounding world and people but also of oneself.

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