Friday, September 13, 2024

Facial Scrub at Home: Top 5 Recipes


The facial scrub is one of the steps that will help cleanse the skin and remove toxins. How to make at home? All the secrets are already in the material!

Exfoliation of the skin eliminates dead cells and activates metabolic processes. Thus, all the components of your care will work much better.

You can choose a scrub in the store or do it at home because it’s not at all difficult. We have prepared simple recipes that you can repeat!

Beauty cheat sheet:

  • Apply a scrub only on your face.
  • Use exfoliating products no more than once a week. It all depends on individual circumstances.
  • Pick abrasion (particles that remove dead skin cells) under your skin type.
  • Body and face scrub are different things because the first one should have high abrasiveness.

Coffee scrub

Caffeine removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation and protects against free radicals. In order to make a scrub of coffee, you will need coffee grounds. Dissolve it with water and gently massage the skin. After 7-10 minutes – rinse.

Coffee scrub

You can also make a mask-scrub. To do this, add some cottage cheese to the texture and apply for 15 minutes. Moisturize and exfoliation!

Scrub based on coconut oil

Coconut oil accelerates the renewal (exfoliation) and retains moisture inside the cells (restores the skin’s water balance). There are different ways to use this component. For example, do a home scrub. Take a spoonful of texture and add some coffee grounds. Apply for 10 minutes and rinse.

Scrub based on coconut oil

Scrub of oatmeal and honey

Cook oatmeal scrub is easy enough. You will need one tablespoon of honey and a bit of ground oatmeal flakes. Apply on the skin with massaging movements. After 15-20 minutes – rinse with warm water.

Face scrub with lemon

Such a scrub will help clean and brighten the skin of the face (especially after age spots). Take the oatmeal, one spoonful of yogurt and a couple of drops of lemon. Mix and apply for 10 minutes.

Face scrub with lemon

Facial scrub with clay

Clay is an excellent base not only for home cosmetic masks but also for scrubbing agents. Select the desired color of the clay base. For example, white. One teaspoon of oatmeal, 1-2 drops of vitamin A and E, and a little water. Stir to a consistency of sour cream and apply for 10 minutes. Cleans tightens pores and mattes!

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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