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Where and how to meet a decent man?

Decent Man

Decent man: Attention! This material is not for predators, who rush to the rich and promising men as beef tenderloin. This article is for women who know their value, they understand what they want from life and what should be next to a man.

There is a beautiful phrase: “Sheep get sheep, and lionesses get lions.” Unfortunately, the sheep are full, but the lion still needs to look. They do not hang out on social networks and do not hang around in nightclubs. Where, then, is this lion to be found, if fate does not reduce you to such? And what to do to provoke him to meet?


We are girls. Sly and charming. God himself ordered us to use it because simplicity and naivety are not our strategies. The biggest trick of this life is to find a worthy companion, friend, and lover. And where to look for him? Nightclubs are only suitable for dating at night. In restaurants and bars, you can hardly find “the very one”, in such places everyone is busy eating and drinking. We interviewed a certain number of young people at our level of interest and found out where they spend their free time and meet girls.

When paying attention

In any circumstances, in any institution and at all times, a man has a desire to meet a beautiful girl, only when he is relaxed and calm. When a man does not worry about anything and does not hurry anywhere. Therefore, places such as a football match, a fan bar, and a restaurant during a business lunch will not work. Just because when there is football or a bunch of unsigned papers is left on the desktop, he will not pay attention to anything. Neither you nor the waitress neckline. Because “the first thing – the aircraft, well, and the girls – then.”

When paying attention

In such a difficult matter, not the height of the heels or the color of the lipstick is important. Here the main smile and mood. Mask a la “I’m a princess” set aside for other occasions. Smile with or without. Flirt with the waiters and the receptionist, not vulgar, but cute. This behavior will set you up for an acquaintance. Feel at ease – and people will reach for you.

Where to look for a decent man

Fitness club

They take care of themselves. Watch your body and health. Their day begins with sports. In “our men” the goal is to recharge the body for a day, and not to pump up or throw off those extra pounds. Although it can be both, but rarely without fanaticism because their own appearance is of last interest. Yes, he should be well-groomed and healthy, but to pump the perfect frame, he simply does not have enough time.

The working day for people who have already achieved something does not begin early in the morning, except, of course, for cases of exceptions, as 11-12 hours. Therefore, most in the morning go in for sports. At this time and in this place, they are relaxed and calm, tune in to the new day. Most likely that you will pay attention and offered to drink a glass of fresh juice.

Shooting range

It may sound funny, but for some men, shooting is a real discharge of the soul.
Let’s start with the fact that there are professions in which shooting skills are taken for granted. This refers to a professional shooting range. To go there and not look awkward – you need to learn to shoot. It is not difficult and the girl with the weapon looks very impressive.

Ski resort

“Our men” love outdoor activities. Most people like winter sports (skiing, snowboarding). If you have the time and money to go somewhere – a good option, and have a good time and meet nice people. At lunchtime, everyone gets tired of the snowy slopes and come to the cafeterias to eat and warm up with fragrant mulled wine. And on vacation, everyone is open, positive, and looking for new acquaintances.

Training, courses

Live and learn. For a progressive young man, it is not shameful not to know something. Shamefully do not seek to learn, so they spend their free time on self-development. Recently, all kinds of training on motivation, coaching, meetings with people who have achieved success in life have become very fashionable. It is not strange that such events attract people who do not think in patterns, know what they want. Most strong relationships begin on such courses because people who meet there have common interests and a correct understanding of self-development.


No, I’m not talking about paintings or sculptures. It is unlikely that “our men” understand modern art and can distinguish between classic and empire (although there are different ones). Often, men do not have enough time for art galleries, or they are simply not interested. Exhibitions of equipment, raw materials, and neo-technology – not a bad place to explore. Although they came there for the specific purpose of buying something, it’s hard not to notice a beautiful girl. Your phone number may be a good acquisition for them.


However, to meet his love can be anywhere: in the Elevator, in traffic, in the supermarket, or plane. It will be perfect for you man, one that had the hiccups for a lifetime. Fate has put everything into place, now just to wait for this moment. After all, he is now somewhere in there, your lion is reading a book or sitting at work, eating breakfast, or going to bed. To worry sense is not present, it is already yours, just doesn’t know it yet.

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