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We reveal the secrets of how to use Bay leaf for hair

Bay leaf: Many herbs are used not only in cooking and for making everyday treats and gourmet delicacies. Aromatic additive used in folk medicine, and even in the home of cosmetology, and quite successfully. Good spice with issues relating to hair problems. Today we will talk about this famous natural healer hair like Bay leaf. Find out which home effective tools to create on the basis of Bay leaf for growth and against hair loss.

bay leaf

A useful composition for hair

Laurel, affectionately we call this spice is a rich source of a variety of substances: organic and mineral. In this plant, the product contains plenty of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids: 7.6 g, of 48.7 g and 8.4 g, respectively. This is a wonderful storehouse of dietary fiber. However, the main value of Bay leaf are vitamins and mineral salts.

The product stands out among the other spices high levels of folic and Pantothenic acids, Riboflavin, vitamin A and the tongue. Fragrant leaves are Packed with iron, zinc, manganese and calcium. There is a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, copper, selenium. Tannins, essential oils, organic acids – all that are also fragrant leaves. In principle, we are dealing with a high-calorie product: 100 g Laurel discovered about 300 calories.

Properties of Laurel for hair

Looking at the chemical composition of Bay leaf, it is easy to understand why it is so useful for hair and, primarily, for strands with weakened roots. Moreover, each component of the spice is a special link in the health of the strands.

  • Mineral substances in the composition of Bay leaf and normalize metabolic reactions, nourish hair, make them stronger along the entire length. Especially big merit in it of zinc, copper, selenium and calcium.
  • Ascorbic acid stimulates the synthesis of collagen, providing elasticity and elasticity of each hair.
  • Important components of Bay leaves are compound In groups – they eliminate split ends, and together with retinol awaken dormant hair follicles. In addition, they tone the scalp.
  • Tannins accelerate hair growth, normalize blood circulation in the dermis, strengthen the roots of the hair.
  • Essential extracts – are struggling with the dry strands, and provide the scalp with essential biologically active elements, build protect hair from the aggressive influence of external factors.
  • Organic acid Bay leaf cleanses the hair of dirt, excess sebum, and remove toxins from the skin through the pores.

Check out for Allergy!

Thus, bay leaf – is an excellent tool for braking and complete cessation of hair loss, eliminate dandruff, breakage of strands; restoration of their structure, damaged as a result of the negative influence of the environment, hot air of the dryer during drying, frequent staining. But before embarking on the introduction of cosmetic products, the main ingredient of which is the bay leaf, in the hair care procedure, you must make sure that you do not have allergies to this spice.

Apply a few drops of laurel decoction or infusion to the delicate skin behind the ear, wait half an hour. If there is no irritation, redness, rash, itching – feel free to take the bay leaf and look after your hair ahead!

bay leaf on hand

Homemade masks from falling out and for growth

To begin with, get acquainted with effective bay leaf masks that can eliminate the problem of excessive hair loss on the head, as well as promote growth.

Mask with honey and Bay leaf from hair loss

Ingredients: honey – 2 tbsp, minced Bay leaf – the same. Plant material must be placed in a deep Cup and pour boiling water. The resulting mixture insists on for hours, and then filtered and injected into the liquid fragrant product of beekeeping. You should stir the honey in a Laurel infusion so as to form a homogeneous solution. It warm need to RUB into the hair roots and spread over the entire surface of the strands, avoiding only the tips. The head is required to wrap with cling film and a towel, like so for an hour or so. Wash off the mask with running warm water with shampoo.

Mask with bread

One of the most effective homemade masks with the Bay leaf against hair loss and for hair growth is the recipe with yogurt and bread Borodino. You will need 0.5 liters of yogurt, a little homemade butter, Bay leaf, a few slices of Borodino bread. First, prepare the oil Bay. For this 20 pieces of Laurel leaves a good chop and pour 200 ml of unrefined olive oil or sunflower. Leave the mixture at rest in a cool dark place for a week. After this period, filter the composition. For bread, the mask can use 1-2 tbsp of the specified product.

Back to making the healthy mask. Black bread to pour the yogurt, and when it will become to enter into the oil of Bay leaf. A homogeneous mass, apply on hair, paying special attention to roots. After 60 minutes, rinse with beauty-tool under the shower, using shampoo.

Mask with the Bay leaf and chamomile

Mask with bay leaf

You will need the following ingredients: dried Laurel leaves – 10 grams, chamomile flowers – 15 g, burdock oil – 1 tsp, 1 raw egg yolk. Plant material should be crushed with a grinder into powder, then add whipped with a fork egg yolk and oil, mix well.

Massage the mask into the roots of the hair. Put a rubber hat on your head, wrap a towel over it. The exposure time of a cosmetic product is 40-60 minutes. Keep in mind, this cosmetic product can lighten hair half a ton.

Laurel rinses

Not less effective for hair growth and against hair loss have teas and tinctures Bay leaf. They rinsed the strands after washing. Here are some recipes of such medicinal cosmetics.

Useful for decoction of bay leaf

To prepare it, you will need to stock up on only 1 liter of boiling water and directly with bay leaves in the amount of 20-25 pieces. Mix both components, hold the mixture on the fire, wait for boiling and simmer this solution on low flame for 15-20 minutes. After removing the decoction from the stove, cover and insist for several hours. Use this infusion to rinse hair for 1 month.

Tincture with bay leaf and apple cider vinegar against loss

You will need 5 leaves of laurel 100 ml of apple cider vinegar. Chop the leaves, pour into the jar, pour vinegar into it. Shake the mixture and leave in a dark room for 24 hours. Before use, the tincture should be filtered. Now type in the water tank and add the resulting product in a ratio of 1: 1. After rinsing, no rinse is required. Tincture copes with the problem of hair loss and the problem of oily strands.

Tincture with bay leaf and apple cider vinegar


Women who use home remedies based on Bay Laurel leaves and broth regularly, just love this budget product. They say with one voice that the Laurel leaf really helps to cope with hair loss and promotes growth. There are many positive feedbacks about the grain mask with the Bay leaf and Bay oil.

Although a decoction of Bay leaf has gained popularity among women facing such problems as weak roots hair, dandruff and increased oiliness of the hair.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.
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