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VDS – what is it?


Virtual dedicated server (explanation of the term VDS, Virtual Virtual Dedicated Server) is a service that provides the client emulation of a physical server.

End customers as well as the users of its site, will not notice the difference – because the VDS in its functionality is no different from the real servers of the boards and wires. I can imagine that bought a physical server and installed it in the data center – in this case, you also the server itself can see and feel, and will operate them remotely.


What is VDS for?

There comes a time when any developing project “outgrows” service normal hosting. And then there are several options for further development and one of the options is VDS.

Hosting – the simplest and cheapest service on placing your website on the provider’s server. The worst thing about it is that the files of all clients (i.e., data from all sites) are on the same physical (or virtual – no difference) server.

In this scheme, there are two drawbacks. First, you can’t configure the server for yourself the way you need it. The maximum that you can do is to move to another tariff, where there are more lenient limits on resources and, in some cases, to edit the file .htaccess, but it does not provide full server configuration. For better configuration you have to edit the configuration files of the web server, and that you will not be allowed, as well as to make changes in the configuration of the DB server and PHP.

Second, if you did not order a dedicated IP address, the sites of different customers are on the same IP. If your neighbor is a spammer, your shared IP will be blacklisted too, as a result, the newsletter from your site will go to spam.

In the case of VDS, you get full control over the server: you can install any software, change any configuration files, etc. in Other words, the first disadvantage of hosting is completely eliminated.

Usually when you order VDS and you get a private IP address – it will differ from your neighbors, the other customers of the cloud provider. Therefore, it solves the second disadvantage of hosting you will have your own IP address.

The virtual machine in the case of the VDS technology completely isolated from each other, so the presence on a single physical host multiple VDS does not affect the performance of each virtual server.

VDS specifications

When ordering VDS services you need to pay attention to the specifications:

Features and benefits of VDS

Consider the advantages of VDS:

At VDS, there is one feature: you get a bare metal server, which is yet to be set. If you don’t understand, you will need an administrator and this is an additional cost and you need to consider. However, it is not only the lack of VDS: if you want to move further, you will need to spend. Any scenario after hosting: VDS, dedicated server, the physical server requires administrator in the state of the company. But VDS is the cheapest option – the rest will cost more.


VDS is a service that allows you to get a full server, albeit a virtual one. The cost of VDS is higher than the cost of hosting, but you get almost unlimited possibilities for configuring the server and be independent of their “neighbors”.

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