Top 10 dog breeds that celebrities have

Dog Breeds

It is no secret that it is a dog, not a cat, a fish, or a parrot that is a friend of a person. It dispels the state of loneliness and faithfully waits for its tired owner from work. It is not surprising that politicians and celebrities get their dogs, which allows them to feel a little family warmth and comfort on busy working days.

Today we will see the top 10 dog breeds that celebrities have

1. Konstantin Khabensky and Sergey Lazarev’s Mongrel

Konstantin Khabensky And Sergey Lazarev'S Mongrel

Our review is started by stars who did not fall for fashion trends and the popularity of breeds but simply chose their dogs according to the spirit.

Actor Khabensky took his mongrel from the capital’s shelter, calling him simply and sweetly Frosey. Kostya put the dog in order-fattened, washed, and cured. Now he takes it on trips with him and even rents a private house where he can play ball after filming.

Sergey Lazarev also took his beloved mongrel Daisy from the shelter, after which he does not part and misses very much when he forces him to leave a friend at home. Sergey even opened a chain of pastry shops for dogs “Poodle Strudel” because of his love for his pet.

2. Adele’s dachshund

Adele'S Dachshund

The singer with such a strong voice has one small weakness – her favorite German dachshund Louis. Adele says that the dog supports her by following a strict diet before the tour. Just as the singer is about to sneak a bite of meat, a caring-tailed friend gives her a very expressive look, after which all desire to eat disappears.

Adele loves the dog very much and misses it very much when she has to leave it at home during concerts and tours.

3. Vladimir Putin, Orlando Bloom, and Yuri Galtsev’s Labrador

Vladimir Putin, Orlando Bloom And Yuri Galtsev'S Labrador

This elegant, agile and elite breed will never lose its relevance. Labradors are preferred by people of royal blood, so it is not surprising that the Sovereign of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also started this breed. Favorite black Labrador was presented to the president by the former head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Actor Orlando Bloom is also the lucky owner of the blue-black labrador Saidy, which he found on the street. Since then, the friends have been inseparable, together they appear in magazines and even sleep in the same bed.

Comedian Yuri Galtsev also dotes on his beloved Labrador Chara, willingly enduring the devastation in the apartment.

4. Philip Kirkorov and Mickey Rourke’s Pomeranian

Philip Kirkorov And Mickey Rourke'S Pomeranian

Interestingly, a cute miniature Pomeranian can be preferred by brutal and courageous men, whose image makes thousands of women’s hearts flutter.

For example, Philipp Kirkorov simply adores his little friend Harry. They get along very well, go for walks together and play when the maestro has a free moment.

Elderly Mickey is no longer so wildly popular with cute ladies, but he found his peace of mind next to the Pomeranian with the outstanding nickname Number One. The friendship of a star and a dog is truly touching. Rourke’s unofficial Instagram account is dedicated to his dog, and the pet’s photo gets thousands of likes.

5. Eva Green’s Border Terrier

Eva Green'S Border Terrier

The lovely actress just can’t live without dogs, and in her pet Border Terrier Griffin does not dote on the soul. Now Eva leads a fairly quiet lifestyle, but she regularly posts photos with the dog on social networks. In the pictures, the actress confesses her love to her tailed friend.

In his spare time, Green walks with Griffin through the undeveloped rural streets. Eva once joked in the press that she would buy a walking stick and pretend to be blind if only she was allowed to ride with her beloved dog on European trains.

6. Pamela Anderson’s Chihuahua

Pamela Anderson'S Chihuahua

Attractive, but not quite young, Pamela decided to spend her old age surrounded by animals. The actress began to fight for their rights and actively starred in social advertising against violence against four-legged friends.

After one visit to a homeless shelter, Pem returned home with two Chihuahuas, whom she named Jean and Bardot. With her worthy act, the actress pushed fans to do good deeds, after which another 50 animals of the shelter found new owners. Having come to love her small dogs with all her heart, Anderson spends an impressive amount of money on keeping animals in shelters.

7. Hugh Jackman and Ozzy Osbourne’s French Bulldog

Hugh Jackman And Ozzy Osbourne'S French Bulldog

A small but brave dog is now at the peak of popularity among celebrities. Hugh Jackman gave a bulldog to his children, but then he became so attached to it that now he takes it everywhere and even to the store. Hugh and Dali’s dog rides a scooter together, which amuses fans of the actor.

The specific image of Ozzy Osbourne is deceptive – he is quite gentle and attentive to his French bulldog, which even looks like an outrageous singer.

8. Will Smith’s Rottweilers

Will Smith'S Rottweilers

The star bought a luxury ranch in California, where he immediately sent all 4 of his Rottweilers. He is often on the road, so with active and hardy dogs, it is mainly his wife who takes care of them. She also notices that their family Rottweilers are very gentle.

The dogs are comfortable in each other’s company, waiting patiently for Will to return from filming. The actor is happy to devote time to his favorites and walks with them a lot.

9. Elizabeth II’s Corgis

Elizabeth Ii'S Corgis

Her Royal Highness couldn’t imagine life without her beloved corgi dogs. After the death of her last dog named Willow, Elizabeth said that she no longer wants to have dogs.

For all 85 years of her life, she has devoted herself to raising, training, and spending time with these smartest dogs.

Now the queen still has dogs of the Dorgi breed, which are a hybrid of a dachshund and a corgi, as well as one Whisper Corgi, which the woman left for herself after the death of her owner.

10. Charlize Theron’s Pit Bull

Charlize Theron'S Pit Bull

It’s hard to believe that the secret passion of the sophisticated and feminine Theron is one of the most violent dog breeds – the pit Bull.

Pet actress Pitt Bull was picked up on the street and now tours with her on the set. Pitt also managed to light upon the screens-Charlize took it to shoot in a social video for the protection of animals from the ” fur ” industry.

Pitt became a real nanny for the adopted son of the actress and tries to be present at every feeding, and if the baby suddenly cries, the dog “supports” the little family member with a friendly howl. Charlize claims that as long as she has her dogs, she doesn’t feel alone.

Many famous personalities are so attached to their pets that their illnesses and death are extremely difficult. In their spare time, Hollywood stars, singers, and politicians play active games with their beloved dogs, go on sports walks and picnics.

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