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The most awkward situations in a girl’s life

girl's life

This are the five most awkward situations in a girl’s life by Sprintally

1. When you’re wearing a deep neckline dress

In which the olive falls and seems to intend to stay there forever. It is absolutely impossible to get it unnoticed and it’s impossible not to get it either: an insidious snack will stick out at the most inopportune moment and flirt with a coquettish wink.


neckline dress

2. When you at a party take in hands a glass with red wine

Elegantly so you bring it to your lips, take a sip, and at that very moment your best friend creeps up behind you and yells in your ear: “Boo! Ha-ha-ha, scared ?! “No, you were not scared. You stand and start blood-red snot and drool like a newborn vampire baby.

glass with red wine

3. When you put hair with a hair dryer and a round brush

And at home, of course, there is no one but cat Vasily, who has already watched for the past hour as you run around in the kitchen and intricately express yourself. In general, sooner or later it is necessary to go to the neighbor and ask that she let out this brush from your hair and cut out that beautiful koltun that you have outgrown yourself.

4. When you wake up and think: was it or not?

When you wake up in a vaguely familiar apartment on a completely unfamiliar bed, your nerves begin to ring and burst. And if at this moment to turn his head and see next to a beautiful stranger (or not perfect, what’s worse, or a good friend, that’s a nightmare) – you can still hear how the gears begin to spin in your head. Was it or was not? And if so, then what? At this moment you grab the cowards and, finding them in place, you do not calm down: it is possible that you then put them on. But how to check, eh? How?

wake up and think

5. When I went, pancake, for a loaf

Imagine the situation: yesterday was very good and fun, and today it is easier to die. From the mirror looks at you rumpled panda with the full mouth of dead cats – in any case, the taste in your mouth about this. And you really, really need to shop, because a hangover is a thing stronger than pregnancy, an organism without a herring in chocolate threatens to die right now. And aspirin, by the way, also never turns out. In general, you run out into the street, throwing a windbreaker right on your pajamas, and first of all, you meet him. The former.


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