Beauty & Wellness Life Lifehack Lifestyle Tricks2 Min Read AzaharonJune 21, 2019 How to get rid of dandruff? Dandruff on the hair – a rather unpleasant, but not a terrible cosmetic problem, which can help get rid of the right hair care and…
Beauty & Wellness Discovery Health & Fitness Investigations Lifehack Science2 Min Read AzaharonFebruary 18, 2019 The secrets of using olive oil Secrets of using olive oil: Olive oil contains beneficial ingredients for the skin and body. Analyze all the pros and cons? Olive oil is…
Beauty & Wellness Fashion Life Science Style Hunter3 Min Read AzaharonMay 21, 2018 13 natural oils that will change the skin care Pastitelnye oil – a source of vitamins A, D, E and K, fatty acids and phospholipids, – support skin tone and elasticity. But this…