Monday, September 9, 2024

The strongest ship in the world that can roll 90 degrees


Strangest ship: At the disposal of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (USA) is perhaps the most unusual research vessel from all, ever created by scientists. With a body length of 108 meters, this vessel can be partially flooded and take a vertical position. While its interior is designed so that employees of the ship were convenient to be on it at any position.

A ship that can roll up to 90 degrees

Research vessel FLIP (eng. Floating Instrument Platform — floating tool platform) was launched in June 1962. It was intended for a variety of oceanographic research, including the study of seismic waves and noise in the ocean, heat transfer processes, and much more. The ship is successfully operating to this day.


FLIP is not capable of independent movement and needs to be towed, which delivers it to the place of study. Such inconveniences have to be overcome for the sake of reliability studies as the noise and vibration from the engine can damage sensitive measuring equipment on Board the vessel. For stabilization, anchors are used.


But the most unusual is the device of the internal premises of the research vessel. Here is almost everything that has a double position and is able to transform into whichever is the ship in the vertical or horizontal position. Berths, panels with instruments and equipment, equipment of bathrooms can be transformed. Everything else, each room has two doors, perpendicular to each other.

I'm Azahar Ahmed, A young Engineer from Nagaon, Assam (India). I'm the Founder & CEO of Sprintally.

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