Spring salad with eggs and cabbage


Spring salad: Fresh ground vegetables are approaching, and that means it’s time to remember the favorite recipes of salads. Very first we are pleased with the greens and the young sprouts. If you skillfully combine them in your dish, all will be happy.

So, to prepare the spring salad you will need a large bunch of greens, half a cabbage, 2 cucumbers, 4 boiled eggs and lettuce as desired.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, shred the cabbage and finely chop the greens. Best suited: parsley, dill and green onions. Fans can add several heads young garlic and other spicy greens. Not interfere with the lettuce. Cucumbers cut into large rings or half rings. Last, add the chopped eggs and dressing.

Season the salad with sour cream with salt and homemade mayonnaise. And it is possible to mix these two sauces.

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